我在 Rails 和 Django 营地都有脚趾。从我所见,Rails 的人真的得到了测试。他们在博客中谈论测试,在会议中谈论测试,并衍生出一些有趣的测试工具(例如,ScrewUnit)来测试他们应用程序的非 Rails 部分。成为 Rails 社区的一员而不进行测试真的很难。
The Django community lags behind on the testing front. Django ships with basic support for testing, but you have to look for it. None of current Django books do much more than give testing a footnote, and I rarely see any substantive "how to test" blogs from Django community members. There were no talks on testing at the first DjangoCon.
On the flip side, Rails people are far more likely to get themselves into messes dues to monkeypatching and gem version conflicts (or gems or plugins doing conflicting monkeypatching), so automated testing is essential. The Django projects I've seen have been able to skate by because it's harder to get yourself into the same trouble.
As for other agile practices, it's hard to say without being able to peek inside of a lot of projects on a day-to-day basis.