例如,如果包含该单元格的行已经有数字 1 2 3,列有 4 5 6,而 3x3 块有 7,那么只剩下 2 种可能性:8 和 9。这看起来像一个很好的单元格选择。
链接到Visualizer 代码和实时求解器代码
Greedy Best First Search的代码如下:
# Keep data about the "Best" cell
class EntryData:
def __init__(self, r, c, n):
self.row = r
self.col = c
self.choices = n
def set_data(self, r, c, n):
self.row = r
self.col = c
self.choices = n
# Solve Sudoku using Best-first search
def solve_sudoku(matrix):
cont = [True]
# See if it is even possible to have a solution
for i in range(9):
for j in range(9):
if not can_be_correct(matrix, i, j): # If it is not possible, stop
sudoku_helper(matrix, cont) # Otherwise try to solve the Sudoku puzzle
# Helper function - The heart of Best First Search
def sudoku_helper(matrix, cont):
if not cont[0]: # Stopping point 1
# Find the best entry (The one with the least possibilities)
best_candidate = EntryData(-1, -1, 100)
for i in range(9):
for j in range(9):
if matrix[i][j] == 0: # If it is unfilled
num_choices = count_choices(matrix, i, j)
if best_candidate.choices > num_choices:
best_candidate.set_data(i, j, num_choices)
# If didn't find any choices, it means...
if best_candidate.choices == 100: # Has filled all board, Best-First Search done! Note, whether we have a solution or not depends on whether all Board is non-zero
cont[0] = False # Set the flag so that the rest of the recursive calls can stop at "stopping points"
row = best_candidate.row
col = best_candidate.col
# If found the best candidate, try to fill 1-9
for j in range(1, 10):
if not cont[0]: # Stopping point 2
matrix[row][col] = j
if can_be_correct(matrix, row, col):
sudoku_helper(matrix, cont)
if not cont[0]: # Stopping point 3
matrix[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack, mark the current cell empty again
# Count the number of choices haven't been used
def count_choices(matrix, i, j):
can_pick = [True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True]; # From 0 to 9 - drop 0
# Check row
for k in range(9):
can_pick[matrix[i][k]] = False
# Check col
for k in range(9):
can_pick[matrix[k][j]] = False;
# Check 3x3 square
r = i // 3
c = j // 3
for row in range(r*3, r*3+3):
for col in range(c*3, c*3+3):
can_pick[matrix[row][col]] = False
# Count
count = 0
for k in range(1, 10): # 1 to 9
if can_pick[k]:
count += 1
return count
# Return true if the current cell doesn't create any violation
def can_be_correct(matrix, row, col):
# Check row
for c in range(9):
if matrix[row][col] != 0 and col != c and matrix[row][col] == matrix[row][c]:
return False
# Check column
for r in range(9):
if matrix[row][col] != 0 and row != r and matrix[row][col] == matrix[r][col]:
return False
# Check 3x3 square
r = row // 3
c = col // 3
for i in range(r*3, r*3+3):
for j in range(c*3, c*3+3):
if row != i and col != j and matrix[i][j] != 0 and matrix[i][j] == matrix[row][col]:
return False
return True
# Return true if the whole board has been occupied by some non-zero number
# If this happens, the current board is the solution to the original Sudoku
def all_board_non_zero(matrix):
for i in range(9):
for j in range(9):
if matrix[i][j] == 0:
return False
return True