从 Backbone.View 创建专门的基础构造函数来处理层次结构上的事件继承不是更容易吗?
BaseView = Backbone.View.extend {
# your prototype defaults
# redefine the 'extend' function as decorated function of Backbone.View
extend: (protoProps, staticProps) ->
parent = this
# we have access to the parent constructor as 'this' so we don't need
# to mess around with the instance context when dealing with solutions
# where the constructor has already been created - we won't need to
# make calls with the likes of the following:
# this.constructor.__super__.events
inheritedEvents = _.extend {},
(parent.prototype.events ?= {}),
(protoProps.events ?= {})
protoProps.events = inheritedEvents
view = Backbone.View.extend.apply parent, arguments
return view
# AppView is a child constructor created by the redefined extend function
# found in BaseView.extend.
AppView = BaseView.extend {
events: {
'click #app-main': 'clickAppMain'
# SectionView, in turn inherits from AppView, and will have a reduced/merged
# events hash. AppView.prototype.events = {'click #app-main': ...., 'click #section-main': ... }
SectionView = AppView.extend {
events: {
'click #section-main': 'clickSectionMain'
# instantiated views still keep the prototype chain, nothing has changed
# sectionView instanceof SectionView => true
# sectionView instanceof AppView => true
# sectionView instanceof BaseView => true
# sectionView instanceof Backbone.View => also true, redefining 'extend' does not break the prototype chain.
sectionView = new SectionView {
el: ....
model: ....
通过创建一个专门的视图:重新定义扩展功能的 BaseView,我们可以让想要继承其父视图声明事件的子视图(如 AppView、SectionView)只需通过从 BaseView 或其派生类之一扩展来实现。