I am working on a legacy (20 years plus) code base and doing the development in MSDEV 2010. The code is not built in MSDEV, it is done via a batch file using nmake.

I have created an empty windows project in MSDEV and pointed it at the relevant binaries. This works, I can either attach to the exe when it is running or run it in debug from the start - breakpoints, stepping etc all work.

However, I cannot use F12 to lookup the definition of things. When I press it I just get told it cannot find the definition. I have tried adding the files in but that does not seem to help.

Anyone know how I can set this up?


1 回答 1


这比我想象的要容易得多。2010 年有一个单独的选项可以从现有代码创建项目。

我只是创建了项目并从源代码树的根目录添加了代码。Intellisense 现在可以工作了(就像 Phat Studio 一样)。

我现在正试图弄清楚如何在 MSDEV 中设置构建系统!

于 2012-02-28T13:34:04.330 回答