It looks like your route syntax is wrong.
If you want to add new member routes (i.e. ones that apply to a single instance of a resource), then you should do:
map.resources :questions,
:member => { :vote_for => :put, :vote_against => :put },
:has_many => :replies, :shallow => true
On the other hand, if you want to override the standard "new" URL segment, then it would be:
map.resources :questions, :path_names => { :new => 'vote_for' },
:has_many => :replies, :shallow => true
—Note that the corresponding controller action would still be named "new". This would allow URLs such as:
However, looking at what you appear to be trying to do you might want to consider creating a new Vote
resource. This would get created when a user votes for a question and would fit within the standard Rails' RESTful routing conventions. Voting on a question could then have a URL something like: