I am working to migrate an old VB6 Forms application to a browser based application, and need some input on a few options. The application needs to be able to be distributed via email, run on the client's computer (completely local) without access to the Internet, and have the ability to someday be converted to a full functioning web application (hosted instead of local) that would no longer require email distribution.

  • Normal .Net web application (C#).
    • would this require IIS to be set up?
  • Embed .Net WinForm in browser using WPF
  • WPF Browser Application
    • This seems like it could be deployed and executed locally, but can it be migrated to a web app later on?

Thanks for any input.


1 回答 1


这个答案完全取决于您对“无法访问互联网”的定义。如果这意味着您可以访问 Intranet,那么您是否考虑将ClickOnce用于部署机制?它似乎满足您的要求。

您可以将 WinForms 或完全成熟的 WPF 用于富客户端。但是,仔细使用 WPF 时使用的库和所需的系统权限将使您能够稍后将其移植到 Silverlight 浏览器托管的富应用程序。


  • 一个普通的 .net Web 应用程序 (ASP.NET) 将需要一个 IIS 服务器,并且用户可以访问该服务器。

  • 在您使用 WPF 显示嵌入式 WinForms 的示例中,您不妨只使用 WPF/Silverlight ...

  • WPF 浏览器应用程序部署到 Web 服务器,但在客户端计算机上执行。因此,它不会轻易“稍后迁移到 Web 应用程序”。

于 2012-02-21T20:08:02.320 回答