我有这个问题好几天了。我有一个我试图在我的笔记本电脑上运行的 delphi 应用程序。该程序在其他计算机上运行良好,但是当我尝试将程序复制到笔记本电脑中时,它会显示很多错误:
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(46): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TIdPeerThread'
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(104): E2170 Cannot override a non-virtual method
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(238): E2029 ')' expected but identifier 'Connection' found
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(238): E2066 Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(242): E2029 ':=' expected but ':' found
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(242): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(242): E2014 Statement expected, but expression of type 'string' found
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(243): E2029 ':=' expected but ':' found
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(243): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(244): E2029 ':=' expected but ':' found
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(244): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(245): E2029 ':=' expected but ':' found
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(245): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(246): E2153 ';' not allowed before 'ELSE'
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(249): E2029 '.' expected but ';' found
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(308): E2066 Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(308): E2066 Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(451): E2066 Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(451): E2066 Missing operator or semicolon
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(499): E2037 Declaration of 'Create' differs from previous declaration
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(501): E2075 This form of method call only allowed in methods of derived types
[Error] IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas(502): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'FOkToProcessCommand'
[Fatal Error] Primews.dpr(145): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'SourceServerBase\IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas'
有新问题 在我发布这个问题后我没有做任何改变。现在,它显示新的错误消息说:
[Fatal Error] Primews.dpr(67): F2051 Unit DBClient was compiled with a different version of DSIntf.szFIELDNAME
这是什么意思?顺便说一句,我在我的笔记本电脑上使用 delphi 2005 个人版。在这里输入代码