我在尝试生成一些 Java 类时遇到问题。
C:\Users\kon\Desktop>wsimport -keep -verbose -extension -d generated http://XXXXXXWebServicesPort?wsdl
parsing WSDL...
[INFO] Trying to read authorization file : "C:\Users\kon\.metro\auth"...
[ERROR] Schema descriptor {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string in message part "return" is not defined and could not be bound to Java. Perhaps the schema descriptor {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSche
ma}string is not defined in the schema imported/included in the WSDL. You can either add such imports/includes or run wsimport and provide the schema location using -b switch.
line 81 of http://XXXXXXWebServicesPort?wsdl
这里是第 81 行的内容:
<message name="getJDBCConnectionURLOutput">
<part name="return" element="xsd:string"/>
我之前没有使用过 wsimport,在网上找不到任何类似的问题。这是拼写问题吗?