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我是通过 RTF 完成的:它是一种标记语言,在概念上类似于 HTML。立即插入颜色指令并重新加载缓冲区。说实话,我使用了 MFC,但我认为 CRichEdit 它是一个薄层,不会添加更多功能(当然,除了框架集成)。这里有一些代码(很旧,对不起):


// reformat line
void RichEditSyntaxColor::FmtLine(CRichEditCtrl &c, int nLine)
    int iLine = c.LineIndex(nLine),
        lLine = c.LineLength(iLine);
    if (lLine > 0)
        fmt(c, nLine, lLine);

        long ss, es;
        c.GetSel(ss, es);
        stream(c, iLine, lLine);
        c.SetSel(ss, es);

// apply formatted streaming to selected pos
void RichEditSyntaxColor::stream(CRichEditCtrl &c, int iLine, int lLine)
    c.SetSel(iLine, iLine + lLine);
    EDITSTREAM eds = { DWORD(this), 0, fmtLineCb };
    c.StreamIn(SF_RTF|SFF_SELECTION, eds);

// required callback
DWORD CALLBACK RichEditSyntaxColor::fmtLineCb(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb)
    RichEditSyntaxColor* pCookie = (RichEditSyntaxColor*)dwCookie;
    memcpy(pbBuff, pCookie->obuf, *pcb = pCookie->os.pcount());
    return 0;

// colors data, useful to configure
SyntaxColor::aColor SyntaxColor::_colorsDef[] = {
    {"Atom",    RGB( 16, 16, 32)},
    {"Number",  RGB(128, 32,128)},
    {"Var", RGB( 16, 16,255)},
    {"String",  RGB(128,128,128)},
    {"Comment", RGB(128,128, 20)}, //RGB( 32,128, 32)},
    {"SepChar", RGB(196, 32, 32)}
char SyntaxColor::_colorsStr[];

void SyntaxColor::Table2String()
    ostringstream s(_colorsStr);//, sizeof _colorsStr);

    s << "{\\colortbl;";
    for (int i = 0; i < __maxTag__; i++)
        COLORREF c = _colorsDef[i].value;
        s << "\\red"    << int(GetRValue(c))
          << "\\green"  << int(GetGValue(c))
          << "\\blue"   << int(GetBValue(c))
          << ';';
    s << '}' << ends;
于 2012-02-18T00:39:25.020 回答