$TIME_VALUE = 1.4000002e+001
$STATE_NO = 15
$Output for State 15 at time = 14
1346995 25 1457683 1471891 1457727 1471929
9.953265e-001 9.953265e-001 9.953265e-001 9.953265e-001
1346996 25 1471891 1457685 1471930 1457727
9.953963e-001 9.953963e-001 9.953963e-001 9.953963e-001
1346997 25 1457685 1471892 1471931 1471930
9.953437e-001 9.953437e-001 9.953437e-001 9.953437e-001
min=9.953265e-001 on line 07 at 1346995
max=9.953963e-001 on line 09 at 1346996
cat your_file | awk '
NR >= 6 && NR <= 11{at=$1;getline
if (max < $1){max=$1;max_line=NR;max_at=at}
if (min > $1){min=$1;min_line=NR;min_at=at}}
NR == 7{min=$1;min_line=NR;min_at=at}
printf "min=%-13e on line %02d at %8d\n", min, min_line, min_at
printf "max=%-13e on line %02d at %8d\n", max, max_line, max_at}'
但是如果我想在 *Keyword 和 *End 之间进行搜索怎么办,因为由于文件中的小编辑,字符串到达了定义的行,它的值为 0,所以最小值设置为零。
我必须提到这个很好的解决方案是由jfgagne在我之前的问题中提供的:min and max in certain lines of input file with the tag of line number。