I have eclipse 3.6 with JSDT 1.2. I have integrated java-script editor in to my MultiPageEditorPart. I have added javascript facet to my project programatically and added a custom library called 'Studio library' for providing intelli-sense. The integrated javascript editor works fine with the intellisense. BUT
The same code fails in 3.7.1. i.e the intelli-sense fails.I am using eclipse 3.7.1 with JSDT 1.3.1. One more thing to note is the other than base browser library options ('Window') no other intelli-sense options appear in the JS editor. (This is not related to my custom library)
I debugged the 3.6 and 3.7.1 codes and compared it against each other. In CompletionEngine class in complete(ICompilationUnit sourceUnit, int completionPosition, int pos) method the e.qualifiedBinding object is propulated with intelli-sense options in 3.6 where as in 3.7.1 the object is null.
I am not able to find a reason for this. Any clue or help would be appreciated.