As already said in the title, I need some help with converting lat/long to x/y coords in Miller Cylindrical projection. I`m currently writing an app (in Java) which gets city list as an input and then gets lat/long for each city from Yahoo Placefinder. I used these formulas in my code. Here is an example of what I get. (image is for the reference only, not the one I use). As you can see the X positions are only a few pixels (2-3) off, this can be a problem with my calculations of prime meridian shift (CENTRAL_MERIDIAN_OFFSET) in this map. But the main problem is incorrect Y coordinates.
Here is my code (updated - 34px compensation for equator offset):
public final double W = 6343;
public final double H = 4767 - 34;
protected Point toMillerXY(double lon, double lat)
double x, y;
lon = Utils.degToRad(lon);
lat = Utils.degToRad(lat);
y = 1.25 * Math.log( Math.tan( 0.25 * Math.PI + 0.4 * lat ) );
x = ( W / 2 ) + ( W / (2 * Math.PI) ) * x;
y = ( H / 2 ) - ( H / ( 2 * 2.303412543 ) ) * y;
y += 34;
return new Point(x, y);
Fetching data with:,Argentina
Latitude: -34.608521, longitude: -58.373539
Fetching data with:,Japan
Latitude: 35.670479, longitude: 139.740921
Fetching data with:,CAR
Latitude: -33.919060, longitude: 18.421961
Fetching data with:,Italy
Latitude: 41.903110, longitude: 12.495760
Total cities: 4
Result for Buenos Aires: 1964.598428, 3046.740995
Result for Tokyo: 5455.265150, 1732.669551
Result for Cape Town: 3317.692474, 3032.814395
Result for Rome: 3213.276105, 1602.176163
Obviously, something is wrong with Y coord calculation. I`m not sure whether 5.6 should really be the right value but the vertical range of Millers projection was said to be -2.3..+2.3 in one of the references I read so I used it.