我正在开发一个音乐播放器,它接收带有远程 mp3 文件 (HTTP) 的播放列表并随后播放它们。


如何告诉 BufferedInputStream 只下载整个文件?


我正在使用 JLayer/BasicPlayer 库播放音频,这是代码。

String mp3Url = "http://ia600402.us.archive.org/6/items/Stockfinster.-DeadLinesutemos025/01_Push_Push.mp3";
URL url = new URL(mp3Url);
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);

BasicPlayer player = new BasicPlayer();

2 回答 2


在这里,您将获得一个如何在 java 中预缓冲音频文件的示例

于 2012-02-16T12:24:42.390 回答


 * <code>DownloaderInputStream</code>
public class DownloaderInputStream extends InputStream {

     * <code>IDownloadNotifier</code> - download listener.
    public static interface IDownloadListener {

         * Notifies about download completion.
         * @param buf
         * @param offset
         * @param length
        public void onComplete(final byte[] buf, final int offset, final int length);

     * <code>ByteArrayOutputStreamX</code> - {@link ByteArrayOutputStream}
     * extension that exposes buf variable (to avoid copying).
    private final class ByteArrayOutputStreamX extends ByteArrayOutputStream {

         * Constructor.
         * @param size
        public ByteArrayOutputStreamX(final int size) {

         * Returns inner buffer.
         * @return inner buffer
        public byte[] getBuffer() {
            return buf;

    private final class Downloader extends Object implements Runnable {
        // fields

        private final InputStream is;

         * Constructor.
         * @param is
        public Downloader(final InputStream is) {
            this.is = is;

        // Runnable implementation
        public void run() {
            int read = 0;

            byte[] buf = new byte[16 * 1024];

            try {
                while ((read = is.read(buf)) != -1) {
                    if (read > 0) {
                        content.write(buf, 0, read);

                        downloadedBytes += read;
                    } else {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            listener.onComplete(content.getBuffer(), 0 /*
                     * offset
                     */, downloadedBytes);
    // fields
    private final int contentLength;
    private final IDownloadListener listener;
    // state
    private ByteArrayOutputStreamX content;
    private volatile int downloadedBytes;
    private volatile int readBytes;

     * Constructor.
     * @param contentLength
     * @param is
     * @param listener
    public DownloaderInputStream(final int contentLength, final InputStream is, final IDownloadListener listener) {
        this.contentLength = contentLength;
        this.listener = listener;

        this.content = new ByteArrayOutputStreamX(contentLength);
        this.downloadedBytes = 0;
        this.readBytes = 0;

        new Thread(new Downloader(is)).start();

     * Returns number of downloaded bytes.
     * @return number of downloaded bytes
    public int getDownloadedBytes() {
        return downloadedBytes;

     * Returns number of read bytes.
     * @return number of read bytes
    public int getReadBytes() {
        return readBytes;

    // InputStream implementation
    public int available() throws IOException {
        return downloadedBytes - readBytes;

    public int read() throws IOException {
        // not implemented (not necessary for BasicPlayer)
        return 0;

    public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
        if (readBytes == contentLength) {
            return -1;

        int tr = 0;

        while ((tr = Math.min(downloadedBytes - readBytes, len)) == 0) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {/*
                 * ignore


        byte[] buf = content.getBuffer();

        System.arraycopy(buf, readBytes, b, off, tr);

        readBytes += tr;

        return tr;

    public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
        // not implemented (not necessary for BasicPlayer)
        return n;
于 2012-03-01T09:46:11.837 回答