
我正在尝试在 Outlook 2003 中编写 VBA 代码,该代码将在发送时将类别添加到电子邮件中,以便回复显示时会自动添加类别。这是为了使提交回复更容易。




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VBA 编辑器的资源管理器将列出如下结构:

-  Project 1 (VbaProject.OTM)
  + Microsoft Office Outlook Objects
  + Forms
  + Modules

点击+反对Microsoft Office Outlook Objects获取

-  Project 1 (VbaProject.OTM)
  - Microsoft Office Outlook Objects
    + ThisOutlookSession
  + Forms
  + Modules


第一个例程 ( Application_Startup) 在您打开 Outlook 时被调用。

Option Explicit
Public UserName As String
Public WithEvents MyNewItems As Outlook.Items
Private Sub Application_Startup()

  ' This event procedure is called when Outlook is started

  Dim NS As NameSpace

  Set NS = CreateObject("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")

  With NS
    UserName = .CurrentUser
    Set MyNewItems = NS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items
  End With

  MsgBox "Welcome " & UserName

End Sub


首先它设置UserName = .CurrentUser。当我运行上面的代码时,UserName设置为我的用户名。我假设您和您的同事也是如此,因此下面的宏可以知道哪个用户是当前用户。请注意,用户必须授予宏访问权限.CurrentUser。您可能更喜欢使用 InputBox 来获取用户的姓名首字母。

其次,它初始化MyNewItems. 这允许我为添加到收件箱的新项目指定一个事件处理程序。

下一个例程 ( Application_ItemSend) 在单击发送按钮后且在发送消息之前调用。您可以更改或添加到消息中。您甚至可以使用 取消发送Cancel = False


根据我的实验,您设置的任何类别都记录在“已发送邮件”版本中,但不会记录在发送给收件人的版本中。因此,即使对方使用 Outlook,他们也无法在回复中。


Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

  ' This event procedure is called when the Send button is clicked but
  ' before the item is sent.

  Dim Inx As Long

  Debug.Print "------Item Send"

  ' Note this routine operate on all items not just mail items.
  ' See "myNewItems_ItemAdd" for a method of restricting the 
  ' routine to mail items

  With Item

    .Subject = .Subject & " (xyz1)"
    Debug.Print "Subject " & .Subject

    For Inx = 1 To .Recipients.Count
      Debug.Print "Recipient " & .Recipients(Inx).Name

    ' Remove any existing reply recipients
    Do While .ReplyRecipients.Count > 0
      .ReplyRecipients.Remove 1

    .ReplyRecipients.Add "JohnSmith@Company.com"

  End With

End Sub

最后一个例程 ( myNewItems_ItemAdd) 处理新的邮件项目。当前代码不执行其他项目,例如会议请求。这段代码除了将主题输出到即时窗口之外什么都不做。但是,您可能希望将邮件移动到另一个文件夹。

Private Sub myNewItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)

  ' This event procedure is called whenever a new item is added to
  ' to the InBox.

  Dim NewMailItem As MailItem

  Debug.Print "------Item Received"

  On Error Resume Next
  ' This will give an error and fail to set NewMailIten if
  ' Item is not a MailItem.
  Set NewMailItem = Item
  On Error GoTo 0

  If Not NewMailItem Is Nothing Then
    ' This item is a mail item
    With NewMailItem
      Debug.Print .Subject
    End With
    ' Probably a meeting request.
    Debug.Print "Not mail item " & Item.Subject
  End If

End Sub


于 2012-02-20T22:26:53.727 回答