I have searched how to use Amazon Product Advertising API and now I am able to search different product using Amazon Product Advertising API and it is working fine.

But as I know we can get only amazon prime product from our account and when I login with amazon account using amazon site and search any product I found only amazon prime product.

But when I am trying to get amazon product using Amazon Product Advertising API with my security id etc Amazon Product Advertising API give us all product in search but I need only prime product list when I search with Amazon Product Advertising API.

Is it possible ? Can anyone help me ?

Thank you very much.


3 回答 3


使用此响应组 Offers/Offer/OfferListing 并搜索 IsEligibleForPrime 属性,这用于了解此优惠是否符合入门条件

于 2016-08-22T13:25:37.237 回答


于 2014-05-16T16:52:37.330 回答

您可以通过在 OfferListing 响应组中检查 IsEligibleForPrime 来判断产品是否为素数。

于 2017-09-26T11:25:07.217 回答