I currently have a Website Payments Standard checkout process for purchasing annual subscriptions & standalone virtual products, which in its simplest form;

  • Collects a few basic details about the customer & logs a new purchase in a database on my site
  • Uses the trick of preparing a webform that auto-submits to PayPal on the client-side, using the custom field to track & verify the purchase with IPN

As I understand, with Express I could

  • Cut out the form technique & tighten my application, initiating the request server-side & then send the user straight to PayPal
  • Process the payment instantly when the customer is returned (no waiting on possible IPN delays - though I know I can counter for this with auto-return PDT)
  • Manage subscriptions on-site (not required, but acknowledged as a benefit)

However, I am aware of the additional work involved, particularly with recurring payments.

Would you argue it's worth it for the gains? Or is what I'm doing acceptable*, given the requirements?

*I've always been concerned about exposing the transaction in a standard PayPal webform, which is why I like the idea of Express, but I'm rigorously validating IPN calls; do I have any genuine reason to worry?


1 回答 1


也许我有偏见,但我喜欢 Express Checkout 而不是网站支付标准。
除了能够通过 ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus 控制定期付款配置文件外,您还可以控制 Express Checkout PayPal 登录页面(“结算”或“登录”)的 LANDINGPAGE。

您可以使用 CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile 和/或 DoExpressCheckoutPayment API 响应(如果您收取初始金额)来检查 PAYMENTSTATUS。

此外,如果您想升级到 Website Payments Pro Direct Recurring Payments(通过您自己网站的信用卡表格设置定期付款,无需前往 PayPal 网站),您只需将所需的附加参数添加到相同的 CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile API 响应。

最后,如果您决定开始使用 PayPal Digital Goods 进行快速结账(包括定期付款),只需更改 SetExpressCheckout 中的一些参数,然后加载 dg.js 文件。

使用 Express Checkout Recurring Payments 的唯一缺点是增强型定期付款/高级服务没有同等功能(允许您在美国、英国、加拿大和澳大利亚接受基于客人的定期付款)。唯一的选择是 Website Payments Pro Direct Recurring Payments,这在产品供应方面略有提升。

于 2012-02-17T00:53:12.607 回答