I'm using HTML5 technology with the FileApi.

My problem is very simple, but i'm searching since 2 days ago and I have not find anything on the web

I have a DicomFile. I use the FileApi from HTML5 to break it down, and get all the information. Finally I get the image data in a byte array. The problem is that I can not decode a JPEG2000 Image and show it in the browser (Chrome, FireFox, any). For example, if the image data is coded in JPEG format, I have no problem at all to show the image in the browser, but the problem is with JPEG2000 or JPEG-LS. I know that those Image formats aren't able to show in the web browers, but It must exist a library in Javascript to decode the image data that is in JPEG2000 or JPEG-LS. It's very important and I am a bit desesperate.

If I can not find any way to do this, I'll have to change all my work.

Thank you very much in advance


2 回答 2


由于 JPEG 2000 图像不会在浏览器中本地呈现,因此您可能必须将它们转换为浏览器可以呈现的东西,然后才能在网页上使用它们。最简单的方法是将图像服务器端转换为某种网络安全格式,然后将转换后的图像提供给浏览器。但是,如果您决定在客户端进行,那么这里有一个使用 JavaScript 解码 JPEG 2000 图像的示例:https ://github.com/kripken/j2k.js/blob/master/examples/simple .html

这使用OpenJPEG库的 JavaScript 编译,可在此处获得。这是一个自动转换,它不是最好的使用,但它们提供以下功能使其使用更容易:

// Wrapper around OpenJPEG..
//Converts the given j2k image array to RGB values that
//can be put into a Canvas..
function j2k_to_image(data) {
    _STDIO.prepare('image.j2k', data);
    callMain(['-i', 'image.j2k', '-o', 'image.raw']);
    return _STDIO.streams[_STDIO.filenames['image.raw']].data;

这里data应该是 JavaScript 字节数组(以及值在 0 到 255 之间的 JavaScript 数字),如示例文件中所示。您可以通过将图像转换到此表单服务器端来获取此信息,或者将它们 Ajaxing 并将响应视为二进制数据(请参阅MDN's using XHR's on how to do this for Firefox,其他浏览器可能需要不同的方法)。然后将此函数的输出放入 Canvas 元素中,如下所示:

  output = j2k_to_image([255, 0, 123, ...]); //pass in the JPEG 2000 image as an array

  var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); //get the canvas element (use whatever you actually need here!)
  canvas.width = imageWidth;
  canvas.height = imageHeight;

  var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
  var image = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

  var componentSize = canvas.width*canvas.height;
  for (var y = 0; y < canvas.height; y++) {
    for (var x = 0; x < canvas.width; x++) {
      var value = output[y*canvas.width + x];
      var base = (y*canvas.width + x)*4;
      image.data[base + 0] = output[0*componentSize + y*canvas.width + x];
      image.data[base + 1] = output[1*componentSize + y*canvas.width + x];
      image.data[base + 2] = output[2*componentSize + y*canvas.width + x];
      image.data[base + 3] = 255; //the alpha part..
  ctx.putImageData(image, 0, 0);

由于这使用了 Canvas 元素,这意味着这在 IE8 中不起作用,但为此它可能会做其他事情。例如,您可以尝试以正确的位图格式或其他一些简单的 IE 兼容格式获取转换后的图像数据,对其进行 base64 编码,然后将其作为图像元素的来源,请参阅http://css-tricks。 com/data-uris/以获取有关如何使用此类数据 url 的示例。

于 2012-03-14T14:14:06.607 回答

我相信pdf.js项目可以解码 pdf 文件中压缩的 jpeg2000 图像。请参阅此评论和此推文


于 2012-03-01T10:13:03.610 回答