一种可能性是使用 PHP 的 SSH 库通过连接回 Web 服务器来执行这些操作?
或者我发现这组类允许您通过 HTTP 克隆和读取其他元数据,但不能推送或拉取。但是,如果您有足够的勇气扩展它们来做到这一点,这可能是一个起点。我可以想象复制这些过程并使其与各种服务器版本等兼容将是很多工作。
[2014 年 3 月 23 日更新,收到赞成票后 - 谢谢!]
- 赫祖特/php-ssh
- 一个 ssh 配置文件 - 简化在代码中设置身份验证凭据的技巧
(注意 - 我必须快速从代码中删除一些细节来发布它。所以你需要稍微摆弄一下才能将它集成到你的应用程序/命名空间等中。)
* @author: scipilot
* @since: 31/12/2013
* Class GitSSH allows you to perform Git functions over an SSH session.
* i.e. you are using the command-line Git commands after SSHing to a host which has the Git client.
* You don't need to know about the SSH to use the class, other than the fact you will need access
* to a server via SSH which has the Git client installed. Its likely this is the local web server.
* This was made because PHP has no good native Git client.
* Requires herzult/php-ssh
* Example php-ssh config file would be
* <code>
* Host localhost
* User git
* IdentityFile id_rsa
* Host your.host.domain.com
* User whoever
* IdentityFile ~/.ssh/WhoeverGit
class GitSSH {
protected $config;
protected $session;
protected $sPath;
* @var string
protected $sConfigPath = '~/.ssh/config';
* Connects to the specified host, ready for further commands.
* @param string $sHost Host (entry in the config file) to connect to.
* @param string $sConfigPath Optional; config file path. Defaults to ~/.ssh/config,
* which is probably inaccessible for web apps.
function __construct($sHost, $sConfigPath=null){
\Log::info('New GitSSH '.$sHost.', '.$sConfigPath);
if(isset($sConfigPath)) $this->sConfigPath = $sConfigPath;
$this->config = new \Ssh\SshConfigFileConfiguration($this->sConfigPath, $sHost);
$this->session = new \Ssh\Session($this->config, $this->config->getAuthentication());
public function __destruct() {
* Thanks to Steve Kamerman, as there isn't a native disconnect.
public function disconnect() {
$this->exec('echo "EXITING" && exit;');
$this->session = null;
* Run a command (in the current working directory set by cd)
* @param $sCommand
* @return string
protected function exec($sCommand) {
//echo "\n".$sCommand."\n";
$exec = $this->session->getExec();
$result = $exec->run('cd '.$this->sPath.'; '.$sCommand);
// todo: parse/scrape the result, return a Result object?
return $result;
* CD to a folder. (This not an 'incremental' cd!)
* Devnote: we don't really execute the cd now, it's appended to other commands. Each command seems to re-login?
* @param string $sPath Absolute filesystem path, or relative from user home
public function cd($sPath){
$this->sPath = $sPath;
// @todo this is useless! each command seems to run in a separate login?
//$result = $this->exec('cd'); // /; ls');
//return $result;
* @return string
public function ls(){
$result = $this->exec('ls ');
return $result;
public function gitAdd($sOptions=null, array $aFiles=null){
$result = $this->exec('git add '
.(empty($sOptions) ? '' : ' '.$sOptions)
.(empty($aFiles) ? '' : ' '.implode(' ', $aFiles))
return $result;
public function gitClone($sRepo, $sBranch=null, $sTarget=null){
\Log::info('GitSSH::clone '.$sRepo.', '.$sBranch.', '.$sTarget);
$result = $this->exec('git clone '
.(empty($sBranch) ? '' : ' --branch '.$sBranch)
.' '.$sRepo
.' '.$sTarget);
return $result;
public function gitCommit($sMessage, $sOptions=null, array $aFiles=null){
$result = $this->exec('git commit '
.'-m "'.addcslashes($sMessage, '"').'"'
.(empty($sOptions) ? '' : ' '.$sOptions)
.(empty($aFiles) ? '' : ' '.implode(' ', $aFiles))
return $result;
public function gitPull($sOptions=null, $sRepo=null, $sRefspec=null){
$result = $this->exec('git pull '
.(empty($sOptions) ? '' : ' '.$sOptions)
.(empty($sRepo) ? '' : ' '.$sRepo)
.(empty($sRefspec) ? '' : ' '.$sRefspec)
return $result;
public function gitPush($sOptions=null, $sRepo=null, $sRefspec=null){
$result = $this->exec('git push '
.(empty($sOptions) ? '' : ' '.$sOptions)
.(empty($sRepo) ? '' : ' '.$sRepo)
.(empty($sRefspec) ? '' : ' '.$sRefspec)
return $result;
* @return string the raw result from git status
public function gitStatus(){
$result = $this->exec('git status');
return $result;