I'm using canvas for a project and I have a number of elements that I'm skewing. I'm only skewing on the y value and just want to know what the new width of the image is after skewing (so I can align it with another canvas element). Check out the code below to see what I mean
//skew the context
//draw two images with different heights/widths
The goal would be to know that the 42 by 60 image was now a X by 60 image so I could do some translating before drawing it at 0,0. It's easy enough to measure each image individually, but I have different skew values and heights/widths throughout the project that need to be align. Currently I use this code (works decently for images between 25 and 42 widths):
var skewModifier = imageWidth*(8/6)+(19/3);
var skewAmount = 1.3; //this is dynamic in my app
var width = (skewModifier*skewAmount)+imageWidth;
As images get wider though this formula quickly falls apart (I think it's a sloping formula not a straight value like this one). Any ideas on what canvas does for skews?