I have a .msi file created by a program called MSICREATE and doctored using orca as follows...
InstallExecuteSequence Table
* added FindRelatedProducts with sequence 410
* added RemoveExistingProducts with sequence 1450
InstallUISequence Table
* added FindRelatedProducts with sequence 200
* added RemovePreviousVersions TRUE
* had a existing UpgradeCode with guid created by MSICREATE
* had a existing ProductVersion created my MSICREATE
Added a Upgrade Table
* UpgradeCode same value as Upgrade in Property Table
* VersionMin null
* VersionMax 99.12.31
* Attributes 1
* ActionProperty SOLARUPGRADE (same value as SECURECUSTOMPROPERTIES in Property Table)
I also assigned a new PackageCode and a new ProductCode so the new msi had different values of PackageCode, ProductCode, and ProductVersion than the previously installed product.
When I run this msi with the product previously installed, the old product is deleted, a new program files directory created and all the files except the .exe reinstalled from the new .msi. A repair will cause the .exe to be created. If the new msi is installed AFTER removing the old product (using control panel add/remove programs), all files including the .exe are installed.
The msiexec log file is mywebspace.wisc.edu/mdorl/msilog/log3.log
The .msi is mywebspace.wisc.edu/mdorl/msilog/sbl_Major_Upgrade.msi
The only things that looks weird to me are the following lines from the log. The first, second, and fourth are files that do get installed, the third is the .exe file that does not get installed. NOTE THE NULL ACTION ON THIS ENTRY.
Action start 8:04:41: InstallValidate.
MSI (s) (18:F4) [08:04:41:671]: Feature: _MainFeature; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (18:F4) [08:04:41:671]: Component: _24A30964F6B6462282E161248AF15827; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (18:F4) [08:04:41:671]: Component: _7B95B32E33EB4F699B44D53CA5BC22B5; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (18:F4) [08:04:41:671]: Component: _2FBD153583AF40C09EB9920149F7C7B7; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Null
MSI (s) (18:F4) [08:04:41:671]: Component: _38A400D7DB76479CA0EC6D643D5793CD; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local