hello everyone im trying to create this tweak that copies a file from one spot to another everytime a specific app opens. Would this be correct to use. im still really new to this, but trying, what command should be placed to have this run everytime the app opens.

- (BOOL)fileManager:(NSFileManager *)fileManager 
 shouldCopyItemAtPath:(NSString *)srcPath *path/to/where/file/is 
 toPath:(NSString *)dstPath *where/i/want/it/copied/to

1 回答 1


如果您希望每次应用程序打开时都运行它,那么您可以从应用程序委托中的 application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: 调用它。

于 2012-02-13T22:01:07.217 回答