I have a publishing site and I am trying to make it XHTML-transitional compliant. I have solved most of the problem except this one.
<div style='display:none' id='hidZone'><menu class="ms-SrvMenuUI">
<ie:menuitem id="MSOMenu_Help" iconsrc="/_layouts/images/HelpIcon.gif" onmenuclick="MSOWebPartPage_SetNewWindowLocation(MenuWebPart.getAttribute('helpLink'), MenuWebPart.getAttribute('helpMode'))" text="Aide" type="option" style="display:none">
I have to remove the < menu > tag and his content since they do not pass the w3c validator test.
This seems to be lately injected server-side. I have tried to remove it via javascript with no success.
Anyone could help me with this?
I found a way to remove it by overriding the render method of the masterpage and editing the content before the render. I am still trying to figure a better way to do this.