MSDN 文档指出 EntitySet 实现了 IBindingList
(请参阅上的“绑定到实体集” )
对于上下文,我将此集绑定到 WPF ListView。
MSDN 文档指出 EntitySet 实现了 IBindingList
(请参阅上的“绑定到实体集” )
对于上下文,我将此集绑定到 WPF ListView。
EntitySet<T> doesn't implement provides a method to get an IBindingList. You need to call .GetNewBindingList() to get an instance of EntitySetBindingList<T>, which derives from SortableBindingList<T>, which is a BindingList<T>. EntitySetBindingList is just a wrapper around the original EntitySet<T> it was created from, so any modifications to it are modifications to the original EntitySet.
EDIT: Sorting with BindingList:
To sort with a BindingList, you need to expose some kind of interface to allow sorting. Sorting is supported within the BindingList<T> class, but its through protected properties and methods. It should be possible to expose an expressive sort method with a wrapper:
public class EntitySetBindingWrapper<T>: BindingList<T>
public EntitySetBindingWrapper(BindingList<T> root) : base(root)
public void Sort(Expression<Func<T, P>> expr, ListSortDirection direction)
if (expr == null)
MemberExpression propExpr = expr as MemberExpression;
if (propExpr == null) throw new ArgumentException("You must provide a property", "expr");
PropertyDescriptorCollection descriptorCol = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(T));
IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor> descriptors = descriptorCol.Cast<PropertyDescriptor>();
PropertyDescriptor descriptor = descriptors.First(pd => pd.Name == propExpr.Member.Name);
base.ApplySortCore(descriptor, direction);
You should then be able to sort like so:
var bindingWrapper = new EntitySetBindingWrapper(myEntitySet.GetNewBindingList());
bindingWrapper.Sort(e => e.MyProperty, ListSortDirection.Ascending);
listView.DataSource = bindingWrapper;
There might be additional implementation for the EntitySetBindingWrapper class...such as fortwarding any normally public methods on BindingList<T> to the one provided to the constructor.
var tags = objContext.Tags;
gvTester.DataSource = tags.OrderByDescending(x => x.TagID); ;
你能做 .ToList().OrderBy(x=>x.FieldToSortBy) 吗?
Hainesy - 从你对 Vinny 帖子的评论来看,我认为你错过了他的观点...... [我没有直接提出这个作为你问题的答案,我只是详细阐述 Vinny 的观点以消除任何可能的混淆关于那个。]
public class Person
public string FirstName;
public string MiddleInitial;
public string LastName;
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
public int Age
return (int)DateTime.Today.Subtract(DateOfBirth).TotalDays / 365;
现在,假设我有一个名为 People 的 Person 列表
var people = new List<Person>();
var sortedByLastName = people.OrderBy(o => o.LastName);
var sortedByFirstName = people.OrderBy(o => o.FirstName);
var sortedByAge = people.OrderBy(o => o.Age);
var sortedByAgeDesc = people.OrderByDescending(o => o.Age);
var sortedByLastThenFirst = people.OrderBy(o => o.LastName).ThenBy(o => o.FirstName);
var strings = new List<string>();
我想根据自己对它们进行排序 - 即不是按我的对象的某些属性
var sorted = strings.OrderBy(s => s);
这将对对象进行排序。如果您正在对实现 IComparable 的复杂对象进行排序以按其默认比较器排序,您也可以使用相同的想法。
EntitySet 可以以类似的方式排序,无论是对于基本类型还是复杂对象。