我正在尝试创建 CMS 照片库,需要在 upload.php 文件的末尾创建缩略图。我有一个名为 create_square_image 的函数,在“showphotos.php”页面上运行时可以正常工作。但是我不希望每次有人查看页面时都运行它。我尝试将以下内容添加到 SWFUpload...
// Process the file
At this point we are ready to process the valid file. This sample code shows how to save the file. Other tasks
could be done such as creating an entry in a database or generating a thumbnail.
Depending on your server OS and needs you may need to set the Security Permissions on the file after it has
been saved.
$thumb_save = "uploads/thumbs/thumb_" . $_FILES[$upload_name]["tmp_name"];
if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$upload_name]["tmp_name"], $save_path.$file_name)) {
HandleError("File could not be saved.");
create_square_image 函数使用这种格式: create_square_image ( string $filename , string $destination, size )