您需要扩展Boost.Range 以便它将 Ring 识别为有效范围。但在您这样做之前,您需要定义一个将 a 展平vector< vector<T> >
此示例使用方法 2来扩展 Boost.Range。它还用于boost::iterator_facade
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/assign/std/vector.hpp> // for 'operator+=()'
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <boost/range.hpp>
struct Point
Point(double x, double y) : x(x), y(y) {}
double x, y;
struct Line {std::vector<Point> points;};
struct Ring {std::vector<Line> lines;};
/* Custom iterator type that flattens a 2D array into a 1D array */
template <class I, // Line iterator type
class R // Point reference type
class RingIteratorImpl : public boost::iterator_facade<
RingIteratorImpl<I,R>, Point, boost::forward_traversal_tag, R>
RingIteratorImpl() : lineIter_(0), pointIndex_(0) {}
explicit RingIteratorImpl(I lineIter)
: lineIter_(lineIter), pointIndex_(0) {}
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
void increment()
if (pointIndex_ >= lineIter_->points.size())
pointIndex_ = 0;
bool equal(const RingIteratorImpl& other) const
return (lineIter_ == other.lineIter_) &&
(pointIndex_ == other.pointIndex_);
R dereference() const {return lineIter_->points[pointIndex_];}
I lineIter_;
size_t pointIndex_;
typedef RingIteratorImpl<std::vector<Line>::iterator, Point&> RingIterator;
typedef RingIteratorImpl<std::vector<Line>::const_iterator, const Point&>
namespace boost
// Specialize metafunctions. We must include the range.hpp header.
// We must open the 'boost' namespace.
template <>
struct range_mutable_iterator<Ring> { typedef RingIterator type; };
struct range_const_iterator<Ring> { typedef ConstRingIterator type; };
} // namespace 'boost'
// The required Range functions. These should be defined in the same namespace
// as Ring.
inline RingIterator range_begin(Ring& r)
{return RingIterator(r.lines.begin());}
inline ConstRingIterator range_begin(const Ring& r)
{return ConstRingIterator(r.lines.begin());}
inline RingIterator range_end(Ring& r)
{return RingIterator(r.lines.end());}
inline ConstRingIterator range_end(const Ring& r)
{return ConstRingIterator(r.lines.end());}
int main()
Line l1, l2;
Ring ring;
using namespace boost::assign; // bring 'operator+=()' into scope
typedef Point P;
l1.points += P(1.1,1.2), P(1.3,1.4), P(1.5,1.6);
l2.points += P(2.1,2.2), P(2.3,2.4), P(2.5,2.6);
ring.lines += l1, l2;
// Boost Foreach treats ring as a Boost Range.
BOOST_FOREACH(Point p, ring)
std::cout << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ") ";
std::cout << "\n";
(1.1, 1.2) (1.3, 1.4) (1.5, 1.6) (2.1, 2.2) (2.3, 2.4) (2.5, 2.6)