我枚举了不到 32 个绝对矩形大小,我需要给定尺寸并在枚举中找到最佳近似值。

有没有比我用大量嵌套if的 's 和else's 制定的意大利面条代码更好(即更具可读性和可维护性)的方法?


enum imgOptsScale {
    //Some relative scales
    w005h005 = 0x8,
    w010h010 = 0x9,
    w020h020 = 0xA,
    w040h040 = 0xB,
    w070h070 = 0xC,
    w100h100 = 0xD,
    w150h150 = 0xE,
    w200h200 = 0xF,
    w320h320 = 0x10,
    w450h450 = 0x11,
    w200h010 = 0x12,
    w200h020 = 0x13,
    w200h070 = 0x14,
    w010h200 = 0x15,
    w020h200 = 0x16,
    w070h200 = 0x17
imgOptsScale getClosestSizeTo(int width, int height);



3 回答 3


是的...将您的 32 种不同尺寸放在预先构建的二叉搜索树中,然后递归搜索树中的“最佳”尺寸。基本上,如果当前节点矩形的左子预建矩形小于您的输入矩形,并且当前节点的矩形大于输入矩形,您将停止搜索。然后,您将返回与两者之间的输入矩形“最接近”的预定义矩形。




//for brevity, find the rectangle that is the 
//greatest rectangle smaller than the input
const rec_bstree* find_best_fit(const rec_bstree* node, const rec& input_rec)
    if (node == NULL)
        return NULL;

    rec_bstree*  return_node;

    if (input_rec.area < node->area)
        return_node = find_best_fit(node->left_child, input_rec);
    else if (input_rec.area > node->area)
        return_node = find_best_fit(node->right_child, input_rec);

    if (return_node == NULL)
        return node;


于 2012-02-10T23:54:39.567 回答


通读数组以找到下一个更大的大小,并返回相应的键。从这两个键构建最终的盒子度量。(由于 32 只允许 5 位,这可能不是很理想——你可能想要水平 2.5 位和垂直 2.5 位,但我这里的简单方法需要 6 位——水平 3 位,垂直 3 位.如果您对具有较少自由度的维度之一感到满意,则可以从列表之一中删除一半元素(也可以调整<< 3)。如果您希望更好地表示两个维度,这可能需要足够的重新工作,这种方法可能不适合。)


struct dimen {
    int x;
    int key;

struct dimen horizontal[] = { { .x = 10, .key = 0 },
                              { .x = 20, .key = 1 },
                              { .x = 50, .key = 2 },
                              { .x = 90, .key = 3 },
                              { .x = 120, .key = 4 },
                              { .x = 200, .key = 5 },
                              { .x = 300, .key = 6 },
                              { .x = 10000, .key = 7 }};

struct dimen vertical[] = { { .x = 10, .key = 0 },
                           { .x = 20, .key = 1 },
                           { .x = 50, .key = 2 },
                           { .x = 90, .key = 3 },
                           { .x = 120, .key = 4 },
                           { .x = 200, .key = 5 },
                           { .x = 300, .key = 6 },
                           { .x = 10000, .key = 7 }};

/* returns 0-63 as written */
int getClosestSizeTo(int width, int height) {
    int horizontal_key = find_just_larger(horizontal, width);
    int vertical_key = find_just_larger(vertical, height);
    return (horizontal_kee << 3) & vertical_key;

int find_just_larger(struct dimen* d, size) {
    int ret = d.key;
    while(d.x < size) {
        ret = d.key;
    return ret;
于 2012-02-11T00:30:35.820 回答


enum imgOptsScale {
    notScaled = 0x0,
    //7 relative scales upto = 0x7
    w010h010, w010h025, w010h060, w010h120, w010h200, w010h310, w010h450,
    w025h010, w025h025, w025h060, w025h120, w025h200, w025h310, w025h450,
    w060h010, w060h025, w060h060, w060h120, w060h200, w060h310, w060h450,
    w120h010, w120h025, w120h060, w120h120, w120h200, w120h310, w120h450,
    w200h010, w200h025, w200h060, w200h120, w200h200, w200h310, w200h450,
    w310h010, w310h025, w310h060, w310h120, w310h200, w310h310, w310h450,
    w450h010, w450h025, w450h060, w450h120, w450h200, w450h310, w450h450,
    w730h010, w730h025, w730h060, w730h120, w730h200, w730h310, w730h450
//Only call if width and height are actually specified. else 0=>10px 
imgOptsScale getClosestSizeTo(int width, int height) {
    static const int possSizes[] = {10, 25, 60, 120, 200, 310, 450, 730};
    static const int sizesHalfways[] = {17, 42, 90, 160, 255, 380, 590};
    int widthI = 6;
    while (sizesHalfways[widthI - 1] > width && --widthI>0);
    int heightI = 6;
    while (sizesHalfways[heightI - 1] > height && --heightI>0);
    return (imgOptsScale)(8 + 7 * widthI + heightI);
于 2012-02-11T01:31:09.373 回答