We recently adopted the TPL as the toolkit for running some heavy background tasks.

These tasks typically produce a single object that implements IDisposable. This is because it has some OS handles internally.

What I want to happen is that the object produced by the background thread will be properly disposed at all times, also when the handover coincides with application shutdown.

After some thinking, I wrote this:

    private void RunOnUiThread(Object data, Action<Object> action)
        var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(action, data, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, _uiThreadScheduler);
        t.ContinueWith(delegate(Task task)
                if (!task.IsCompleted)

The background Task calls RunOnUiThread to pass its result to the UI thread. The task t is scheduled on the UI thread, and takes ownership of the data passed in. I was expecting that if t could not be executed because the ui thread's message pump was shut down, the continuation would run, and I could see that that the task had failed, and dispose the object myself. DisposeObject() is a helper that checks if the object is actually IDisposable, and non-null, prior to disposing it.

Sadly, it does not work. If I close the application after the background task t is created, the continuation is not executed.

I solved this problem before. At that time I was using the Threadpool and the WPF Dispatcher to post messages on the UI thread. It wasn't very pretty, but in the end it worked. I was hoping that the TPL was better at this scenario. It would even be better if I could somehow teach the TPL that it should Dispose all leftover AsyncState objects if they implement IDisposable.

So, the code is mainly to illustrate the problem. I want to learn about any solution that allows me to safely handover Disposable objects to the UI thread from background Tasks, and preferably one with as little code as possible.


3 回答 3




于 2012-02-11T20:50:53.323 回答

看看 RX 库。这可以让你做你想做的事。

于 2012-02-10T22:43:20.397 回答


IsCompleted当任务处于以下三种最终状态之一时将返回 true:RanToCompletion、、FaultedCanceled


t.ContinueWith(t => DisposableObject.DisposeObject(task.AsyncState),



private void RunOnUiThread2(Object data, Action<Object> action)
    var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 
            //Or use a new *foreground* thread if the disposing is heavy
    }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, _uiThreadScheduler);
于 2012-02-11T18:55:54.340 回答