我对此有一个可能感兴趣的建议。我已经在我自己的应用程序中将它付诸实践,它似乎工作得很好……下面是一个绝对最小的实现 SSCCE,展示了“insertNodeInto”。
中心设计是 JTree-TreeModel 的多个耦合,它们都彼此保持完美同步......除了,显然,应用了一些过滤模式,以便某些节点(及其子树)不存在于一个模型中。同时,ON 树中的每个节点在 OFF 树中都有一个“对应”节点(尽管反过来不一定正确)。
因此,最简单的设计涉及 2 个这样的耦合:一个带有过滤器“OFF”,另一个带有过滤器“ON”(顺便说一下,您可以拥有超过 1 个过滤器,因此您需要 n^2 个耦合,其中 n 是数量过滤器......我已经完成了这个工作!)。
要从一个耦合切换到另一个耦合(即从 ON 切换到 OFF,反之亦然),您只需在包含的 JViewport 中用一个 JTree 替换另一个 JTree……这会在眨眼之间发生,完全无法察觉。所以这有点像一种视错觉。
顺便说一句,这里使用的过滤器是“节点的 toString() 是否包含字符串 'nobble'”?(参见方法 FilterPair.is_filtered_out)
让两个联轴器(更不用说 4 或 8 个)的机制相互同步要困难得多。下面我演示了一个相当全面的 insertNodeInto 实现...但是 DefaultTreeModel、JTree 的许多方法以及与选择有关的许多方法都需要大量思考。例如,如果(过滤器)OFF 树中的选择位于 ON 树中没有对应物的节点上(因为它或其祖先之一已被过滤掉),那么 ON 树中的选择应该去哪里?我已经找到了所有这些问题的答案,但这里没有空间来展示它们......
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
public class FilterTreeDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new ShowIt());
class FiltNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
FiltNode( Object user_obj ){
super( user_obj );
FiltNode m_counterpart_node;
// public String toString(){
// // hash code demonstrates (as you toggle) that these are not the same nodes...
// return super.toString() + " (" + hashCode() + ")";
// }
class FilterPair {
TreeCoupling m_on_coupling, m_off_coupling;
boolean m_filter_on = true;
JFrame m_main_frame;
FiltNode m_on_root = new FiltNode( "root" );
FiltNode m_off_root = new FiltNode( "root" );
// needed to prevent infinite calling between models...
boolean m_is_propagated_call = false;
FilterPair( JFrame main_frame ){
m_on_root.m_counterpart_node = m_off_root;
m_off_root.m_counterpart_node = m_on_root;
m_on_coupling = new TreeCoupling( true );
m_off_coupling = new TreeCoupling( false );
m_main_frame = main_frame;
// starts by toggling to OFF (i.e. before display)
// this is the filter method for this particular FilterPair...
boolean is_filtered_out( MutableTreeNode node ){
return node.toString().contains( "nobble");
class TreeCoupling {
class FilterTreeModel extends DefaultTreeModel {
FilterTreeModel( TreeNode root ){
super( root );
public void insertNodeInto(MutableTreeNode new_child, MutableTreeNode parent, int index){
// aliases for convenience
FiltNode new_filt_node = (FiltNode)new_child;
FiltNode parent_filt_node = (FiltNode)parent;
FiltNode new_counterpart_filt_node = null;
FiltNode counterpart_parent_filt_node = null;
// here and below the propagation depth test is used to skip code which is leading to another call to
// insertNodeInto on the counterpart TreeModel...
if( ! m_is_propagated_call ){
// NB the counterpart new FiltNode is given exactly the same user object as its counterpart: no duplication
// of the user object...
new_counterpart_filt_node = new FiltNode( new_filt_node.getUserObject() );
counterpart_parent_filt_node = parent_filt_node.m_counterpart_node;
// set up the 2 counterpart relationships between the node in the ON tree and the node in the OFF tree
new_counterpart_filt_node.m_counterpart_node = new_filt_node;
new_filt_node.m_counterpart_node = new_counterpart_filt_node;
if( TreeCoupling.this == m_on_coupling ){
// ... we are in the ON coupling
// if first call and the parent has no counterpart (i.e. in the OFF coupling) sthg has gone wrong
if( ! m_is_propagated_call && counterpart_parent_filt_node == null ){
throw new NullPointerException();
if( ! is_filtered_out( new_filt_node ) ){
// only insert here (ON coupling) if the node is NOT filtered out...
super.insertNodeInto( new_filt_node, parent_filt_node, index);
else {
// enable the originally submitted new node (now rejected) to be unlinked and garbage-collected...
// (NB if you suspect the first line here is superfluous, try commenting out and see what happens)
new_filt_node.m_counterpart_node.m_counterpart_node = null;
new_filt_node.m_counterpart_node = null;
if( ! m_is_propagated_call ){
// as we are in the ON coupling we can't assume that the index value should be passed on unchanged to the
// OFF coupling: some siblings (of lower index) may be missing here... but we **do** know that the previous
// sibling (if there is one) of the new node has a counterpart in the OFF tree... so get the index of its
// OFF counterpart and add 1...
int off_index = 0;
if( index > 0 ){
FiltNode prev_sib = (FiltNode)parent_filt_node.getChildAt( index - 1 );
off_index = counterpart_parent_filt_node.getIndex( prev_sib.m_counterpart_node ) + 1;
m_is_propagated_call = true;
m_off_coupling.m_tree_model.insertNodeInto( new_counterpart_filt_node, counterpart_parent_filt_node, off_index);
else {
// ... we are in the OFF coupling
super.insertNodeInto( new_filt_node, parent_filt_node, index);
if( ! m_is_propagated_call ){
// we are in the OFF coupling: it is perfectly legitimate for the parent to have no counterpart (i.e. in the
// ON coupling: indicates that it, or an ancestor of it, has been filtered out)
if( counterpart_parent_filt_node != null ){
// OTOH, if the parent **is** available, we can't assume that the index value should be passed on unchanged:
// some siblings of the new incoming node (of lower index) may have been filtered out... to find the
// correct index value we track down the index value until we reach a node which has a counterpart in the
// ON coupling... or if not found the index must be 0
int on_index = 0;
if( index > 0 ){
for( int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i-- ){
FiltNode counterpart_sib = ((FiltNode)parent_filt_node.getChildAt( i )).m_counterpart_node;
if( counterpart_sib != null ){
on_index = counterpart_parent_filt_node.getIndex( counterpart_sib ) + 1;
m_is_propagated_call = true;
m_on_coupling.m_tree_model.insertNodeInto( new_counterpart_filt_node, counterpart_parent_filt_node, on_index);
else {
// ... no ON-coupling parent node "counterpart": the new ON node must be discarded
new_filt_node.m_counterpart_node = null;
m_is_propagated_call = false;
JTree m_tree;
FilterTreeModel m_tree_model;
TreeCoupling( boolean on ){
m_tree = new JTree();
m_tree_model = on ? new FilterTreeModel( m_on_root ) : new FilterTreeModel( m_off_root );
m_tree.setModel( m_tree_model );
void toggle_filter(){
m_filter_on = ! m_filter_on;
m_main_frame.setTitle( m_filter_on? "FilterTree - ON (Ctrl-F6 to toggle)" : "FilterTree - OFF (Ctrl-F6 to toggle)" );
TreeCoupling getCurrCoupling(){
return m_filter_on? m_on_coupling : m_off_coupling;
class ShowIt implements Runnable {
public void run() {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("FilterTree");
final FilterPair pair = new FilterPair( frame );
final JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane( pair.getCurrCoupling().m_tree );
Action toggle_between_views = new AbstractAction( "toggle filter" ){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
jsp.getViewport().setView( pair.getCurrCoupling().m_tree );
JPanel cpane = (JPanel)frame.getContentPane();
cpane.getActionMap().put("toggle between views", toggle_between_views );
InputMap new_im = new InputMap();
new_im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F6, InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK), "toggle between views");
cpane.setInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT, new_im);
frame.setBounds(50, 50, 800, 500);
// populate the tree(s) NB we are currently viewing the OFF tree
FilterPair.TreeCoupling curr_coupling = pair.getCurrCoupling();
curr_coupling.m_tree_model.insertNodeInto( new FiltNode( "scrags 1" ), (FiltNode)curr_coupling.m_tree_model.getRoot(), 0 );
FiltNode d2 = new FiltNode( "scrags 2" );
curr_coupling.m_tree_model.insertNodeInto( d2, (FiltNode)curr_coupling.m_tree_model.getRoot(), 1 );
curr_coupling.m_tree_model.insertNodeInto( new FiltNode( "scrags 3" ), (FiltNode)curr_coupling.m_tree_model.getRoot(), 2 );
curr_coupling.m_tree_model.insertNodeInto( new FiltNode( "scrags 2.1" ), d2, 0 );
// this will be filtered out of the ON tree
FiltNode nobble = new FiltNode( "nobble" );
curr_coupling.m_tree_model.insertNodeInto( nobble, d2, 1 );
// this will also be filtered out of the ON tree
FiltNode son_of_nobble = new FiltNode( "son of nobble");
curr_coupling.m_tree_model.insertNodeInto( son_of_nobble, nobble, 0 );
curr_coupling.m_tree_model.insertNodeInto( new FiltNode( "peewit (granddaughter of n****e)"), son_of_nobble, 0 );
// expand the OFF tree
curr_coupling.m_tree.expandPath( new TreePath( curr_coupling.m_tree_model.getRoot() ) );
curr_coupling.m_tree.expandPath( new TreePath( d2.getPath() ) );
curr_coupling.m_tree.expandPath( new TreePath( nobble.getPath() ) );
curr_coupling.m_tree.expandPath( new TreePath( son_of_nobble.getPath() ) );
// switch view (programmatically) to the ON tree
toggle_between_views.actionPerformed( null );
// expand the ON tree
curr_coupling = pair.getCurrCoupling();
curr_coupling.m_tree.expandPath( new TreePath( curr_coupling.m_tree_model.getRoot() ) );
curr_coupling.m_tree.expandPath( new TreePath( d2.m_counterpart_node.getPath() ) );
// try to expand the counterpart of "nobble"... there shouldn't be one...
FiltNode nobble_counterpart = nobble.m_counterpart_node;
if( nobble_counterpart != null ){
curr_coupling.m_tree.expandPath( new TreePath( nobble_counterpart.getPath() ) );
System.err.println( "oops..." );
else {
System.out.println( "As expected, node \"nobble\" has no counterpart in the ON coupling" );
// try inserting a node into the ON tree which will immediately be "rejected" by the ON tree (due to being
// filtered out before the superclass insertNodeInto is called), but will nonetheless appear in the
// OFF tree as it should...
curr_coupling.m_tree_model.insertNodeInto( new FiltNode( "yet another nobble"), d2.m_counterpart_node, 0 );
再想一想:如何概括它,以便 FilterTreeModel 扩展您自己提供的 DefaultTreeModel 子类?(并且在完整实现中以便 FilterJTree 扩展您提供的 JTree 子类?)。我最初在 Jython 中编写了这段代码,其中将 A 类作为 B 类定义的参数传递是微不足道的!使用庄严的旧 Java,它可能通过反射和静态工厂方法来完成,或者可能通过一些巧妙的封装技术来完成。不过,这将是一个艰难的过程。如果可能,最好切换到 Jython!