ReSharper 建议更改以下内容:
Type foo = typeof( Foo );
Type bar = typeof( Bar );
if( foo.Equals( bar ) ) { ... }
if( foo == bar ) { ... }
运算符 ==
// Summary:
// Indicates whether two System.Type objects are equal.
// Parameters:
// left:
// The first object to compare.
// right:
// The second object to compare.
// Returns:
// true if left is equal to right; otherwise, false.
public static bool operator ==( Type left, Type right );
等于(类型 o)
// Summary:
// Determines if the underlying system type of the current System.Type is the
// same as the underlying system type of the specified System.Type.
// Parameters:
// o:
// The System.Type whose underlying system type is to be compared with the underlying
// system type of the current System.Type.
// Returns:
// true if the underlying system type of o is the same as the underlying system
// type of the current System.Type; otherwise, false.
public virtual bool Equals( Type o );
为什么在比较类型时会operator ==
被推荐?Equals( Type o )