我无法回复所选答案,但我有一个增强版本的代码,它支持每个输入值的多个唯一 ID。它在我的博客上http://drewp.quickwitretort.com/2012/09/18/0并在此重复:
ko.bindingHandlers.uniqueId = {
data-bind="uniqueId: $data" to stick a new id on $data and
use it as the html id of the element.
data-which="foo" (optional) adds foo to the id, to separate
it from other ids made from this same $data.
counter: 0,
_ensureId: function (value, element) {
if (value.id === undefined) {
value.id = "elem" + (++ko.bindingHandlers.uniqueId.counter);
var id = value.id, which = element.getAttribute("data-which");
if (which) {
id += "-" + which;
return id;
init: function(element, valueAccessor) {
var value = valueAccessor();
element.id = ko.bindingHandlers.uniqueId._ensureId(value, element);
ko.bindingHandlers.uniqueFor = {
data-bind="uniqueFor: $data" works like uniqueId above, and
adds a for="the-new-id" attr to this element.
data-which="foo" (optional) works like it does with uniqueId.
init: function(element, valueAccessor) {
"for", ko.bindingHandlers.uniqueId._ensureId(valueAccessor(), element));
现在,您可以为一条具有自动 ID 的记录设置多个带标签的复选框:
<li data-bind="foreach: channel">
<input type="checkbox" data-which="mute" data-bind="uniqueId: $data, checked: mute">
<label data-which="mute" data-bind="uniqueFor: $data">Mute</label>
<input type="checkbox" data-which="solo" data-bind="uniqueId: $data, checked: solo">
<label data-which="solo" data-bind="uniqueFor: $data">Solo</label>