用于阻止 GPS 被检测为串行鼠标的代码。
下面是 C#.net 中子例程的代码。它检查注册表项是否设置为 4,如果没有,它会发出配置命令来禁用 sermouse。将此子程序嵌入在启动时运行的程序中,它将在 Windows 更新后更正设置。
私人无效 Stop_sermouse()
string k =
object v = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(k, "Start", null);
if (v==null)
MessageBox.Show("No Registry Key for sermouse");
string sr = v.ToString();
if (sr == "4")
{; }
DialogResult mbox = MessageBox.Show("disable sermouse ? " + v.ToString(), "Found sermouse enabled! ", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
if (mbox == DialogResult.Yes)
// prepare a small job to issue confuguration command
ProcessStartInfo s = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/c sc config sermouse start=disabled");
Process p = new Process();
s.Verb = "runas"; // Must run as administrator
s.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
p.StartInfo = s;
// and run the command
//check if the registry is modified indeed
v = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(k, "Start", null);
sr = v.ToString();
if (sr == "4")
MessageBox.Show("finished ''sc config sermouse start=disabled'' but not succesfull in registry!");
MessageBox.Show("sermouse is disabled");