我正在一个网站上工作,我必须将 Chargify 计费系统与 Fee Fighter Samurai 支付网关集成在一起。我如何整合它们?我还在网关站点上找到了一个示例,但这还不够。我想把它集成到 PHP 中。

我使用了网关为 github 上的 Fee Fighter Samurai 提供的以下示例实现: https ://github.com/FeeFighters/samurai-example-php

对于 Chargify 计费系统: https ://github.com/ajshort/silverstripe-chargify



1 回答 1


Actually - it looks like you're just a little confused about how the two are separated.

First, submit a ticket here: http://help.chargify.com and let us know which site you want the Samurai gateway enabled for.

Second, integrate Chargify into your site using any wrapper or code you wish - but just remember to only think about Chargify, not FeeFighters or Samurai. Chargify abstracts that part of it away from you, the developer, so that you just interact with Chargify and that's it.

于 2012-02-10T19:37:27.650 回答