from parseXML import parse.
parse = parse(file)
print parseXML.parse(file).getAllElements()
NameError: global name 'getAllElements' is not defined
class parse:
# Constructor
def __init__(self, file):
# parse the xml file into a tree
tree = xml.parse('/homes/ndeklein/test.featureXML')
# Get the root node of the xml file
self.rootElement = tree.getroot()
# Set self.parent to rootElement, because the first element won't have a parent (because it is the root)
self.parent = 'rootElement'
# dictionary that contains the parent -> child relation
self.parentChildDict = {}
# Go recursively through all the elements in the xml file, starting at the choosen rootElement, until only leaves (elements that don't contain elements) are left
# Return all the elements from the xml file
def getAllElements(self):
# if this is the first time this parent is seen:
# make elementDict with parent as key and child as value in a list
if not self.parentChildDict.has_key(self.parent):
self.parentChildDict[self.parent] = [self.rootElement]
# else: add the child to the parent dictionary
for node in self.rootElement:
# if the len of rootElement > 0 (there are more elements in the element):
# set self.parent to be node and recursively call getAllElements
if len(self.rootElement) > 0:
self.parent = node
return self.parentChildDict
#!/usr/bin/env python
# author: ndeklein
# date: 08/02/2012
# function: calls out the script
import parseXML
import xml.etree.cElementTree as xml
import sys
#Parse XML directly from the file path
file = '/homes/ndeklein/EP-B1.featureXML'
# parse the xml file into a tree
print parseXML.parse(file).getAllElements()