如果要使用列表,请使用 BinarySearch:
// initailize to a size if you know your set size
List<int> FoundKeys = new List<int>( 64000 );
Dictionary<int,int> FoundDuplicates = new Dictionary<int,int>();
foreach ( int Key in MyKeys )
// this is an O(log N) operation
int index = FoundKeys.BinarySearch( Key );
if ( index < 0 )
// if the Key is not in our list,
// index is the two's compliment of the next value that is in the list
// i.e. the position it should occupy, and we maintain sorted-ness!
FoundKeys.Insert( ~index, Key );
if ( DuplicateKeys.ContainsKey( Key ) )
DuplicateKeys.Add( Key, 1 );
您还可以将其用于任何可以通过使用重载定义 IComparer 的类型: BinarySearch( T item, IComparer< T > );