给定一个像 Sencha 文档中的简单 Ext.List ,当我单击其中一个名称时,如何使新的面板或轮播“推”到屏幕上?




1 回答 1



    // onReady is when we can start building our application
    onReady: function() {
        // Create the view by just adding a config block into Ext.Viewport.
        // We give it a reference of `view` so we can use it later
        var view = Ext.Viewport.add({
            // Give it an xtype of `navigationview` so it knows to create a NavigaitonView
            xtype: 'navigationview',

            // Define the list as its only item
            items: [
                    xtype: 'list',

                    // Give it a title so the navigation view will show it
                    title: 'List',

                    // `itemTpl` is the template for each item in the list. We are going to create a store
                    // with a bunch of records, which each have a field called `name`, so we use that in our
                    // template
                    itemTpl: '{name}',

                    // Define our store
                    store: {
                        // Define the fields that our store will have
                        fields: ['name'],

                        // And give it some data for each record.
                        data: [
                            { name: 'one' },
                            { name: 'two' },
                            { name: 'three' }

                    // Now we add a listener for the `itemtap` event, which is fired when a user taps on an item
                    // in this list. This event is passed various arguments in the signature, but we only need the
                    // record
                    listeners: {
                        itemtap: function(list, index, target, record) {
                            // now we have the record from the store, which was tapped. we now want to push a new view into
                            // the navigaitonview
                                // Give it an xtype of panel
                                xtype: 'panel',

                                // Set the title to the name field of the record
                                title: record.get('name'),

                                // And add some random html
                                html: 'This is my pushed view!'


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于 2012-02-12T20:37:28.117 回答