
在我的应用程序中,我加载了多个 xml 文件。为了加载这些,我总是创建一个新的 URLLoader。没什么特别的。



这里是相关的类,希望对大家有用,如果有不清楚的地方请追问。DownloadJob 类只是一个辅助类,它包含一个 String 和一个 Function 对象。下载完成后调用后者。

    // Actual class stuff
    private var _downloadQueue  :Array = new Array();

     * Adds a download to the queue. Will be started immediatly.
     * @param   p_url       The URL of the download.
     * @param   p_callback  The function to call when the download is finished. Has to take a DisplayObject/Sound/String as first parameter.
    public function addDownload(p_url:String, p_callback:Function) :void
        var job :DownloadJob = new DownloadJob(p_url, p_callback);

        debug.ttrace("added: " + job.url);

        // If it is the only item, start downloading
        if (_downloadQueue.length == 1)
            var job :DownloadJob = DownloadJob(_downloadQueue[0]);

     * Will call the callback and dispatch an event if all loading is done.
     * @param   p_event The event that is passed when a download was completed.
    private function downloadComplete(p_event:Event) :void 
        var job :DownloadJob = DownloadJob(_downloadQueue[0]);
        var downloaded :Object = p_event.target;
        _downloadQueue.splice(0, 1);

        debug.ttrace("completed: " + job.url);

        // Notify via callback
        if (downloaded is LoaderInfo)
        else if (downloaded is Sound)
        else if (downloaded is URLLoader)
            // This one holds the data of the previously loaded xml, somehow

        // Continue downloading if anything is left in the queue
        if (_downloadQueue.length > 0)
            var job :DownloadJob = DownloadJob(_downloadQueue[0]);
            dispatchEvent(new Event(EVENT_DOWNLOADS_FINISHED));

     * Will load the passed job immediatly.
     * @param   p_job   The job to load.
    private function load(p_job:DownloadJob) :void
        // Different loaders needed for data, sound and non-sound
        if (p_job.url.indexOf(".xml") != -1 ||
            p_job.url.indexOf(".txt") != -1)
            var urlloader :URLLoader = new URLLoader();
            urlloader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, downloadComplete);
            urlloader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleError);
            urlloader.load(new URLRequest(p_job.url));
        else if (   p_job.url.indexOf(".mp3") != -1 &&
                    p_job.url.indexOf(".flv") != -1)
            var sound :Sound = new Sound();
            sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, downloadComplete);
            sound.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleError);
            sound.load(new URLRequest(p_job.url));
            var loader :Loader = new Loader();
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, downloadComplete);
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleError);
            loader.load(new URLRequest(p_job.url));


1 回答 1


I spent some time on your class and could not find any errors, even when dispatching random addDownload commands from a timer - everything went as expected, no mix-ups, no weird data residue. I can only guess that perhaps the issue has something to do with weird variable handling in ActionScript, if it really is within the code you posted at all.

So then I took the liberty of rearranging your Class a bit:

  • I changed the queue's type to Vector.<DownloadJob>. This lets us get rid of all the type casting.
  • The current download is stored in the field variable currentJob. There will only be one job to work on at a time, anyway. This eliminates all the function arguments.
  • A job will only be added to the queue, if currentJob isn't null, i.e. a download is actually in progress. We don't have to queue things, if there's no need to wait. This leaves only a single call to each push() and splice(). No more uncertainties in respect to when things get added and removed.
  • Removed hungarian notation (we don't do that in ActionScript).
  • Split your larger methods into smaller, more readable chunks (helps me think :) ).
  • Removed all the comments, except for the API method (the code should speak for itself, I believe).

Try to exchange the code below with your previous class and see if the problem still exists. If it does, I am pretty sure the problem exists outside of your loader, possibly in the callback functions that process the payload.

private var currentJob : DownloadJob;
private var downloadQueue : Vector.<DownloadJob> = new Vector.<DownloadJob> ();

 * Adds a download to the queue. Will be started immediatly.
 * @param   url       The URL of the download.
 * @param   callback  The function to call when the download is finished. Has to take a DisplayObject/Sound/String as first parameter.
 public function addDownload ( url : String, callback : Function ) : void {
    var job : DownloadJob = new DownloadJob ( url, callback );
    if (currentJob) downloadQueue.push ( job );
    else {
        currentJob = job;
        load ();

private function load () : void {
    if ( jobIsText () ) loadText ();
    else if ( jobIsSound () ) loadSound ();

private function jobIsText () : Boolean {
    var url : String = currentJob.url;
    return url.indexOf ( ".xml" ) != -1 || url.indexOf ( ".txt" ) != -1;

private function jobIsSound () : Boolean {
    var url : String = currentJob.url;
    return url.indexOf ( ".mp3" ) != -1;

private function loadText () : void {
    var urlloader : URLLoader = new URLLoader ();
    urlloader.addEventListener ( Event.COMPLETE, handleComplete );
    urlloader.addEventListener ( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleError );
    urlloader.load ( new URLRequest ( currentJob.url ) );

private function loadSound () : void {
    var sound : Sound = new Sound ();
    sound.addEventListener ( Event.COMPLETE, handleComplete );
    sound.addEventListener ( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleError );
    sound.load ( new URLRequest ( currentJob.url ) );

private function handleComplete ( ev : Event ) : void {
    processPayload ( ev.target );

    if (downloadQueue.length > 0) loadNext ();
    else dispatchEvent ( new Event ( EVENT_DOWNLOADS_FINISHED ) );

private function handleError ( ev : Event ) : void {
    trace ( "Error while downloading:" + currentJob.url );

private function processPayload ( loader : Object ) : void {
    currentJob.callback ( getPayload ( loader ) );
    currentJob = null;

private function loadNext () : void {
    currentJob = downloadQueue.splice ( 0, 1 )[0];
    load ();

private function getPayload ( loader : Object ) : Object {
    return (loader is LoaderInfo) ? loader.content :     
               (loader is URLLoader) ? URLLoader ( loader ).data :
于 2012-02-07T16:17:44.770 回答