我按照GentooLinux x86 Quick Installation Guide的基本系统安装在virtualbox上。我想要 gnome 在里面。文档说我需要安装hal. 但是emergethere are no ebuilds to satisfy "hal"。我做了eselect profile list,然后做了eselect profile set 4[4] default/linux/x86/10.0/desktop/gnome正如这个论坛帖子所说。然后我 emerge -e system花了几个小时下载了很多文件。之后我重新启动并startx失败,甚至Xorg -configure失败。说

(EE) Failed to load module "vmwgfx" (module does not exist, 0)
(EE) vmware: Please ignore the above warnings about not being able to to load module/driver vmwgfx
(EE) vmware: Unexpected failure while loading the "vmwlegacy" driver. Giving up.
(EE) Failed to load module "vmware" (a required submodule could not be loaded, -1077713160)
(++) Using config file: "/root/xorg.conf.new"
(==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"
(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory



3 回答 3


文档说您需要在哪里安装 hal?诚然,该快速指南在 USE 标志中提到了 hal ,但仅此而已。hal 现在已过时,应完全避免使用。

您是否安装了 xf86-video-vmware?这是 X 所需的视频驱动程序。

更新:对不起,我很困惑,因为即使您在 VirtualBox 下运行,错误也提到了 VMware。您应该删除 xf86-video-vmware 和emerge virtualbox-guest-additions,这将拉入 xf86-video-virtualbox。有关更多信息,请参阅此 wiki 页面

于 2012-02-07T16:30:49.807 回答

wiki 上有一个页面描述了这个http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/VirtualBox

查看“Linux 客人”部分

于 2014-01-24T16:44:52.563 回答
# eix xf86-video -S virtual 
* x11-drivers/xf86-video-virtualbox
     Available versions:  4.1.4 ~4.1.6-r1 ~4.1.8 {dri kernel_linux}
     Homepage:            http://www.virtualbox.org/
     Description:         VirtualBox video driver

# emerge x11-drivers/xf86-video-virtualbox 
 * Last emerge --sync was Wed Jan 11 10:35:01 2012.
>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Starting parallel fetch
>>> Emerging (1 of 5) sys-devel/bin86-0.16.17
>>> Installing (1 of 5) sys-devel/bin86-0.16.17
>>> Emerging (2 of 5) sys-power/iasl-20090123
>>> Installing (2 of 5) sys-power/iasl-20090123
>>> Emerging (3 of 5) sys-devel/dev86-0.16.17-r6
>>> Installing (3 of 5) sys-devel/dev86-0.16.17-r6
>>> Emerging (4 of 5) dev-util/kbuild-0.1.9998_pre20110817
>>> Installing (4 of 5) dev-util/kbuild-0.1.9998_pre20110817
>>> Emerging (5 of 5) x11-drivers/xf86-video-virtualbox-4.1.4
>>> Installing (5 of 5) x11-drivers/xf86-video-virtualbox-4.1.4
>>> Recording x11-drivers/xf86-video-virtualbox in "world" favorites file...

 * Messages for package x11-drivers/xf86-video-virtualbox-4.1.4:

 * You need to edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and set:
 *   Driver  "vboxvideo"
 * in the Graphics device section (Section "Device")
 * To use the kernel drm video driver, please add:
 * "vboxvideo" to:
 * /etc/conf.d/modules
vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf (or some other text editor)

  Section "Device"
       Identifier     "Fake card"
       Driver         "vboxvideo"
       VendorName     "VirtualBox"
       BoardName      "Fake board"

Section "Screen"

   # Removed Option "metamodes" "DFP: nvidia-auto-select +0+0"
   # Removed Option "TwinView" "0"
   # Removed Option "metamodes" "DFP: 1680x1050_60 +0+0"
       Identifier     "BottomDisplay"
       Device         "Fake card"

保存文件。运行 startx

于 2012-02-23T14:42:02.937 回答