public static Color HexStringToColor(string hexColor)
string hc = ExtractHexDigits(hexColor);
if (hc.Length != 6)
// you can choose whether to throw an exception
//throw new ArgumentException("hexColor is not exactly 6 digits.");
return Color.Empty;
string r = hc.Substring(0, 2);
string g = hc.Substring(2, 2);
string b = hc.Substring(4, 2);
Color color = Color.Empty;
int ri = Int32.Parse(r, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
int gi = Int32.Parse(g, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
int bi = Int32.Parse(b, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
color = Color.FromArgb(ri, gi, bi);
// you can choose whether to throw an exception
//throw new ArgumentException("Conversion failed.");
return Color.Empty;
return color;
public static string ExtractHexDigits(string input)
// remove any characters that are not digits (like #)
var isHexDigit
= new Regex("[abcdefABCDEF\\d]+", RegexOptions.Compiled);
string newnum = "";
foreach (char c in input)
if (isHexDigit.IsMatch(c.ToString()))
newnum += c.ToString();
return newnum;