我的机器上安装了 MT4 客户端,并且可以成功检索提要。但是,我已经编写了一个程序,使用 java 来使用 FIX 协议提取数据。我想知道我的 java 程序如何提取我在 MT4 客户端上看到的数据。


2 回答 2


MetaTrader 到任何流程的集成

MT4 可以与您的java FIX-Protocol_MEDIATOR以及包含在任何复杂的分布式异构处理基础设施中的任何其他进程进行通信,并Node使用出色的ZeroMQ无代理可扩展正式通信模式消息传递框架。




MT4 有几个给定的限制。缺乏对流程流的软实时控制和有限的线程间同步都使其成为轻量级Node整体分布式解决方案的候选者。ZeroMQ 具有低延迟和负载平衡能力,对于已经内置的这种架构具有许多优势。

于 2014-06-13T12:21:16.600 回答

Believe me when I say that Metatrader is not for the serious trader.
Bucketshops get newbies excited about code snippets that are cobbled together for MetaTrader.

If it is only the charting data you want, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, merely subscribe to a generic data service.

There are a variety of free chart data display packages available, jfree.org can display a wide variety of data...

If you want to place orders via a Java interface, there are several options:

manticore trader http://developer.berlios.de/projects/manticore/

open java trading system http://sourceforge.net/projects/ojts/

Of course all of the above assumes you are learning programming, and I recommend keeping trading out of it because you can better spend your time learning a more direct and coherent programming ideas into results method by using the correct tools.

For example: Ninjatrader is free to use and is able to connect directly to the exchange (several options for data as well). The code is dot Net and will compile so your execution will be fantastic compared to anything interpreted.

Kinetick has free end of day data.

于 2013-01-25T07:18:15.177 回答