I have developed an iPad application with portrait orientation, but my application was rejected stating the following reason:

app does not comply with the Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.

Specifically, app only supported the bottom-up variant of the portrait orientation, but not the top-up variant.

While supporting both variants of both orientations, each with unique launch images, provides the best user experience and is recommended, we understand there are certain applications that must run in the portrait orientation only. In this case, it would be appropriate to support both variants of that orientation in your application, e.g., Home button up and down."

I have some changes in the code but still only my status bar is rotating in both portrait orientation and does not use the whole uiview. What can I do?


1 回答 1


在此处输入图像描述 看截图..你可以看到肖像模式更暗。 这很有趣..您测试过您的应用程序...您是如何使用 iPad 的..底面朝上?从您的问题可以确认您必须将您的应用程序与 iPad 倒置使用...?是真的吗。(你不觉得不舒服吗。)?

好吧,如果是这样的话..打开您的项目..在项目导航器中单击项目名称(蓝色 Xcode 图标),现在中间会有支持设备方向的选项..只要确保变暗的只是纵向..四个中的第一个..

于 2012-02-07T05:44:28.570 回答