使用 dotcloud 应用程序托管的 django 应用程序实现服务器推送的当前选项是什么?(类似于 node 上的 socket.io,带有 appengine 或 apache comet 的通道 api)


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The options are pretty much the same on dotCloud and on other environments. I.e., if we check Django / Comet (Push): Least of all evils?, we learn that websockets won't play very nice with Django, but that asynchronous WSGI should be possible with http://code.google.com/p/evserver/.

I would personally use evserver using a dotCloud custom service; it should be fairly simple to support, and will provide clean long polling.

You can also use websockets, if you're not scared by django-websockets (or find some other way to do it).

于 2012-02-08T19:03:05.213 回答