
我在我的 APPTier 和 Build Agent 中使用 TFS2008。最初,我在 Apptier 服务器(包括构建代理)中安装了所有内容,并且能够在 Apptier(和构建)服务器中启动构建。现在,我必须在不同的服务器上创建一个新的 Build 代理。我在我的构建机器中安装了 Team Foundation Build(我们称之为 MyBuildAgent)。使用 TeamExplorer 我创建了一个新的构建代理,指向我的构建机器来构建一些项目,但是当我开始构建时,它会抛出以下消息:

TF215085: An error occurred while connecting to agent \myproject\MyBuildAgent: TF215076: Team Foundation Build on computer MyBuildAgent (port 9191) is not responding. (Detail Message: Unable to connect to the remote server)

“Visual Studio Team Foundation build”服务正在我的构建机器中运行,而且,我可以从 MyBuildAgent 在 Apptier 中启动构建,但我无法在 MyBuildAgent 本身中启动构建。



3 回答 3



1)确保构建服务正在运行。(在 start->run 中输入 Services.msc,找到构建服务并启动它)

2) 如果服务已启动,请右键单击服务并选择属性。转到依赖项选项卡并删除 SSL 依赖项(如果存在)。

参考(链接很长,因为是google翻译的):http ://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://geeks.ms/blogs/elbruno/archive/2008/07/14 /tfs-build-error-tf215076-new-status-unreachable.aspx&ei=9gQeSsWMBJOctgPI7vyJCg&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=5&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522Team%2BFoundation%2BBuild%2Bon%2Bcomputer%2522%2B%2522Unable% 2Bto%2Bconnect%2Bto%2Bthe%2Bremote%2Bserver%2522%26hl%3Den

3)如果您需要使用 SSL,请查看讨论配置它的链接: http: //social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/tfsbuild/thread/ae5f2472-dd11-4921-a485- a22aa58bae7e/

于 2009-05-28T03:35:38.590 回答

首先检查您是否可以从应用程序层 ping 您的构建机器以排除简单的网络问题。

Secondly check that you have allowed port 9191 through the firewall on the build machine, you may need to add an explicit rule into the Windows Firewall to allow this.

于 2009-05-28T09:47:18.060 回答

Ok, I got it working now. Even I had disabled the Windows Firewall in the AppTier and in my build machine, I figured out we had an ISA Server running on our network and it was the responsible for deny the access to the port 9191 in both server (apptier and build). Once we make a rule to allow the communication through this port everything worked just fine.

Thanks for the replies guys, I really apreciated your help!

于 2009-05-28T16:49:41.827 回答