我正在尝试在实时 ASP.NET 4.0 站点上查找间歇性 Stack Overflow 异常的来源。我使用忽略所有其他类型异常的自定义配置使用 ADPlus(adplus_old.vbs,而不是新的 adplus.exe)捕获了一些故障转储(请参阅此处的第一个答案:Help catch StackOverflowException with WinDbg and ADPlus)。
我在运行应用程序的同一台服务器上运行 Windbg。该服务器基于 Intel,运行 64 位 Win 2003。WinDbg 版本是 6.12 用于 64 位。我为我怀疑异常来自的程序集生成了 PDB 文件,并将它们放在站点的 /bin 文件夹中(有几个程序集我没有 PDB 文件,但我认为它们与此问题无关)。我将环境变量 _NT_SYMBOL_PATH 指向 /bin 文件夹。WinDbg 显示符号路径为:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319;D:\InetPub\LiveSites\MySite\bin
当我运行 WinDbg 时,在打开故障转储后我运行 .loadby sos clr 然后运行 !clrstack。输出非常少 - 当我在测试站点上设置一个故意的 S/O 时,我清楚地表明了导致异常的方法。出了什么问题?
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [F:\ADPlus\Crash_Mode__Date_02-03-2012__Time_14-36-11PM\PID-9212__W3WP.EXE_-MySite-__1st_chance_StackOverflow__full_0140_2012-02-04_00-24-45-123_23fc.dmp]
User Mini Dump File with Full Memory: Only application data is available
Comment: '1st_chance_StackOverflow_exception_in_W3WP.EXE_-MySite-_running_on_MyServer'
Symbol search path is: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319;D:\InetPub\LiveSites\MySite\bin
Executable search path is:
Windows Server 2003 Version 3790 (Service Pack 2) MP (8 procs) Free x64
Product: Server, suite: Enterprise TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Machine Name:
Debug session time: Sat Feb 4 00:24:50.000 2012 (UTC + 0:00)
System Uptime: 185 days 15:16:43.314
Process Uptime: 0 days 9:49:58.000
Loading unloaded module list
This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(23fc.21ec): Stack overflow - code c00000fd (first/second chance not available)
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for clr.dll -
00000644`7f14d883 894c2448 mov dword ptr [rsp+48h],ecx ss:00000000`0ee55fc8=00000000
0:054> .loadby sos clr
0:054> !clrstack
PDB symbol for clr.dll not loaded
OS Thread Id: 0x21ec (54)
Child SP IP Call Site
000000000eecf138 000006447f14d883 [GCFrame: 000000000eecf138]
000000000eecf178 000006447f14d883 [ContextTransitionFrame: 000000000eecf178]
000000000eecf1b8 000006447f14d883 [GCFrame: 000000000eecf1b8]
000000000eecf3a0 000006447f14d883 [ComMethodFrame: 000000000eecf3a0]
这是我的 ADPlus 命令:
adplus_old.vbs -p 12345 -c F:\ADPlus\DumpStackOverflow.cfg
(where 12345 is the PID of the w3wp.exe process I am attaching to.
这是我的 ADPlus 配置文件:
av = AccessViolation
ch = InvalidHandle
ii = IllegalInstruction
dz = IntegerDivide
c000008e = FloatingDivide
iov = IntegerOverflow
lsq = InvalidLockSequence
sov = StackOverflowException
eh = CPlusPlusEH
* = UnknownException
clr = NET_CLR
bpe = CONTRL_C_OR_Debug_Break
ld = DLL_Load
ud = DLL_UnLoad
epr = Process_Shut_Down
sbo = Stack_buffer_overflow
G = go
GN = go unhandled exception
GH = go handled exception
Q = quit
QD = quit and detach