我有一个包含所有项目详细信息的网格。这个网格有自己的控制器、模型、商店。当我双击网格时,它会将 id 传递到我的服务器端。

根据传递的 id,我对我的数据库执行一些查询,然后以 JSON 格式将数据返回给客户端。根据成功的响应,我显示另一个窗口,其中包含从服务器返回到客户端的所有数据。

但主要问题是弹出窗口不包含更新的数据。意味着当我第一次单击正确传递的网格 ID 并正确创建窗口时。现在关闭该弹出窗口后,当我再次单击网格时,弹出窗口,但其中包含的数据不是更新的数据。

那么我应该怎么做才能让我的窗口根据传递的网格 ID 向我显示更新的数据。


editProject: function(grid, record) {  
        console.log('Double clicked on ' + record.get('id'));
             url : 'projecttask/GetprojectTasks.action',
             method: 'GET',          
             params: {'id':record.get('id')},
             scope: this, // add the scope as the controller
             success : function(response, opts) {
               failure : function(response, opts) {
                   alert('Export file failed!')

我的 ProjectGanttWindow 代码如下

Ext.define('gantt.view.projectmgt.projectGanttwindow', {
    extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
    alias: 'widget.projectganttwindow',
    requires: ['gantt.view.projectmgt.projectGanttpanel'],
    editform: 1,
    id: 'projectganttwindow',
    title: 'Gantt Panel Window',
    width: 450,
    height: 350,
    closeAction: 'hide',
    modal: true,
    constrain: true,
    closable : true,    
     maximizable: true,
     stateful: false,

    initComponent: function() {     
        Ext.apply(this, {
            items: [{
                xtype: 'projectganttpanel',
                width: '100%',
                height: '98%'


我的ProjectGanttWindow 包含 xtype projectganttpanel代码如下

TaskPriority = {
    Low : 0,
    Normal : 1,
    High : 2

var taskStore = Ext.create("Gnt.data.TaskStore", {
    model: 'gantt.model.Task',
    storeId: 'taskStore',
    autoLoad : false,
    autoSync : true,
    proxy       : {
        type : 'ajax',
        method: 'GET',
        api: {
            read:       'task/GetTask.action',
            create:     'task/CreateTask.action',
            destroy:    'task/DeleteTask.action',
            update:     'task/UpdateTask.action'
        writer : new Ext.data.JsonWriter({
            //type : 'json',
            root : 'taskdata',
            encode : true,
            writeAllFields : true
        reader : new Ext.data.JsonReader({
            totalPropery: 'total',
            successProperty : 'success',
            idProperty : 'id',
            type : 'json',
            root: function (o) {
                if (o.taskdata) {
                    return o.taskdata;
                } else {
                    return o.children;

var dependencyStore = Ext.create("Ext.data.Store", {
    autoLoad : true,
    autoSync : true,
    model : 'gantt.model.Dependency',
    storeId: 'dependencyStore',
    proxy: {
        type : 'ajax',
        method: 'GET',
        reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
            root: 'dependencydata',
            type : 'json'
        writer : new Ext.data.JsonWriter({
            root: 'dependencydata',
            type : 'json',
            totalPropery: 'total',
            successProperty : 'success',
            idProperty : 'id',
            encode : true,
            writeAllFields : true
        api: {
            read : 'dependencies/GetDependencies.action',
            create: 'dependencies/CreateDependencies.action',
            destroy: 'dependencies/DeleteDependencies.action'

var start   = new Date(2010, 0, 1),
end     = Sch.util.Date.add(start, Sch.util.Date.MONTH, 30);

//create the downloadframe at the init of your app
this.downloadFrame = Ext.getBody().createChild({
                tag: 'iframe'
                    , cls: 'x-hidden'
                    , id: 'iframe'
                    , name: 'iframe'
//create the downloadform at the init of your app

            this.downloadForm = Ext.getBody().createChild({
                tag: 'form'
                    , cls: 'x-hidden'
                    , id: 'form'
                    , target: 'iframe'

            var printableMilestoneTpl = new Gnt.template.Milestone({
                prefix : 'foo',
                printable : true,
                imgSrc : 'resources/images/milestone.png'

            var params = new Object();
Ext.define('gantt.view.projectmgt.projectGanttpanel', {
    extend: "Gnt.panel.Gantt",
    id: 'projectganttpanel',
    alias: 'widget.projectganttpanel',
    requires: [
              leftLabelField: 'Name',
              loadMask: true,
              width: '100%',
                height: '98%',      
              startDate: start,
              endDate: end,
              multiSelect: true,
              cascadeChanges: true,
              viewPreset: 'weekAndDayLetter',
              recalculateParents: false,

           // Add some extra functionality
                plugins : [
                    Ext.create('Sch.plugin.TreeCellEditing', { 
                        clicksToEdit: 1
                    Ext.create('Gnt.plugin.Printable', {
                        printRenderer : function(task, tplData) {
                        if (task.isMilestone()) {
                        } else if (task.isLeaf()) {
                            var availableWidth = tplData.width - 4,
                                progressWidth = Math.floor(availableWidth*task.get('PercentDone')/100);

                            return {
                                // Style borders to act as background/progressbar
                                progressBarStyle : Ext.String.format('width:{2}px;border-left:{0}px solid #7971E2;border-right:{1}px solid #E5ECF5;', progressWidth, availableWidth - progressWidth, availableWidth)
                        } else {
                            var availableWidth = tplData.width - 2,
                                progressWidth = Math.floor(availableWidth*task.get('PercentDone')/100);

                            return {
                                // Style borders to act as background/progressbar
                                progressBarStyle : Ext.String.format('width:{2}px;border-left:{0}px solid #FFF3A5;border-right:{1}px solid #FFBC00;', progressWidth, availableWidth - progressWidth, availableWidth)

                    beforePrint : function(sched) {
                        var v = sched.getSchedulingView();
                        this.oldRenderer = v.eventRenderer;
                        this.oldMilestoneTemplate = v.milestoneTemplate;
                        v.milestoneTemplate = printableMilestoneTpl;
                        v.eventRenderer = this.printRenderer;

                    afterPrint : function(sched) {
                        var v = sched.getSchedulingView();
                        v.eventRenderer = this.oldRenderer;
                        v.milestoneTemplate = this.oldMilestoneTemplate;
                     eventRenderer: function (task) {
                         var prioCls;
                         switch (task.get('Priority')) {
                             case TaskPriority.Low:
                                 prioCls = 'sch-gantt-prio-low';

                             case TaskPriority.Normal:
                                 prioCls = 'sch-gantt-prio-normal';

                             case TaskPriority.High:
                                 prioCls = 'sch-gantt-prio-high';

                         return {
                             cls: prioCls

                     // Setup your static columns
                     columns: [
                            xtype : 'treecolumn',
                            header: 'Tasks',
                            dataIndex: 'Name',
                            width: 150,
                            field: new Ext.form.TextField()
                        new Gnt.column.StartDate(),
                        new Gnt.column.Duration(),
                        new Gnt.column.PercentDone(),
                            header: 'Priority',
                            width: 50,
                            dataIndex: 'Priority',
                            renderer: function (v, m, r) {
                                switch (v) {
                                    case TaskPriority.Low:
                                        return 'Low';

                                    case TaskPriority.Normal:
                                        return 'Normal';

                                    case TaskPriority.High:
                                        return 'High';
                             xtype       : 'booleancolumn',
                             width       : 50,

                             header      : 'Manual',

                             dataIndex   : 'ManuallyScheduled',

                             field       : { 
                                 xtype   : 'combo',
                                 store   : [ 'true', 'false' ]
                     taskStore: taskStore,
                     dependencyStore: dependencyStore,
                     tooltipTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
                             '<h4 class="tipHeader">{Name}</h4>',
                             '<table class="taskTip">',
                             '<tr><td>Start:</td> <td align="right">{[Ext.Date.format(values.StartDate, "y-m-d")]}</td></tr>',
                             '<tr><td>End:</td> <td align="right">{[Ext.Date.format(Ext.Date.add(values.EndDate, Ext.Date.MILLI, -1), "y-m-d")]}</td></tr>',
                             '<tr><td>Progress:</td><td align="right">{PercentDone}%</td></tr>',

                     tbar: [{
                         xtype: 'buttongroup',
                         title: 'Navigation',
                         columns: 2,
                         defaults: {
                             scale: 'large'
                         items: [{
                             iconCls : 'icon-prev',
                             scope : this,
                             handler : function() {
                             iconCls : 'icon-next',
                             scope : this,
                             handler : function() {
                         xtype: 'buttongroup',
                         title: 'View tools',
                         columns: 2,
                         defaults: {
                             scale: 'small'
                         items: [
                                 text : 'Collapse all',
                                 iconCls : 'icon-collapseall',
                                 scope : this,
                                 handler : function() {
                                 text : 'Zoom to fit',
                                 iconCls : 'zoomfit',
                                 handler : function() {
                                 scope : this
                                 text : 'Expand all',
                                 iconCls : 'icon-expandall',
                                 scope : this,
                                 handler : function() {
                         xtype: 'buttongroup',
                         title: 'View resolution',
                         columns: 2,
                         defaults: {
                             scale: 'large'
                         items: [{
                                 text: '10 weeks',
                                 scope : this,
                                 handler : function() {
                                 text: '1 year',
                                 scope : this,
                                 handler : function() {
                             text: 'Collapse all',
                             iconCls: 'icon-collapseall',
                             handler: function () {
                              text: 'Expand all',
                              iconCls: 'icon-expandall',
                              handler: function () {
                             text: 'Zoom to fit',
                             iconCls: 'icon-zoomtofit',
                             handler: function () {
                             text: 'Save',
                             iconCls: 'icon-save',
                             handler: function () {
                             text: 'Add new Root Node',
                             iconCls: 'icon-save',
                             handler: function () {
                             taskStore.getRootNode().appendChild(new taskStore.model({
                                 Name: 'New Task',                            
                                 PercentDone: 60,
                                 StartDate : new Date(2012, 0, 30),
                                 Duration: 1.0,
                                 DurationUnit: 'd',
                                 leaf: true


我使用 ExtJS 4.0.2a mvc 和 JAVA 作为我的服务器端技术


1 回答 1



  • 您是否在关闭窗口之前保存数据?
  • 使用 Firebug 或类似的,你看到保存发生了吗?
  • 您是否看到第二个请求到达服务器并返回?
  • 您的服务器是否正确保存数据?
于 2012-02-09T17:30:13.127 回答