I looked through MSDN and couldn't find a clear cut answer to this one. So, if i'm building a localized WP7-application, should i conform to phone's language/culture settings or can i roll my own language/culture-switching mechanism inside the app?

Here's the relevant section from MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff637522(v=vs.92).aspx

This is stated in "Testing Your Application":

When changing a display language, verify that the language of your application UI automatically updates to that language.

Should this be taken as a "soft" guideline or a precondition for Marketplace acceptance?

ps. I know that this question is pretty academic in nature, because i cannot think of any scenario where standard localization mechanism wouldn't be enough.

Edit: To clarify my point: If i build a localized/globalized app, am i required to or should i use the phone's settings or can i implement my own culture switching?


2 回答 2


我不确定,但我猜开发人员可能会在应用程序中实现“自己的”语言切换机制。一个例子是:我选择英语作为设备语言,但选择捷克语作为我居住的地区。我不想看到捷克语的整个操作系统,但我想看到一个特定的应用程序(支持捷克语)用捷克语。这意味着,如果不将操作系统切换到捷克语,则无法提供。对于这种情况,我认为最好也可以在应用程序中选择语言 - 这样我就可以保持英语操作系统语言,并且可以将此应用程序切换为捷克语。

于 2012-03-05T15:39:58.117 回答

您必须在真实设备上执行此类测试,方法是导航到settings > region + language. 在此页面中,您可以更改语言和其他区域设置信息,例如日期格式。

于 2012-02-06T06:20:34.697 回答