我在 Win 2008 服务器上安装并配置了 TFS 2010。我已经测试了迁移,一切似乎都运行良好。不过,我对域移动有一个问题。

我正在尝试使用 TFSCONFIG IDENITIES /change 命令将旧域中的用户映射到新域,但不幸的是,新域帐户已添加到 TFS 组。因此,我可以使用 Identities /change 命令。

我仍在试图弄清楚需要做什么才能同步两个域的帐户。在这种情况下我有什么选择?我可以卸载并重新安装 TFS 2010。这会帮助我同步两个域的帐户名称吗?请指教


1 回答 1


There is extensive guidance available on the different supported upgrade scenario's.

Probably the easiest way to do the upgrade is to install TFS2010 over the 2008 version and then do a domain migration. It looks like the issue you're facing is that you added the new account members, instead of migrated the old members to the new ones. I haven't been in that scenario before, you could try removing the new accounts and then migrating, or using the TFS integration tools to migrate all data for one user to another user.

If you still have a backup available, or if the TFS 2008 server is still there, I suggest re-doing the migration, however painful that may be, it will be the safest way to get everything to work again.

Finally there are the The TFS Integration Tools can be used to migrate from one TFS instance to another, they don't migrate everything, but will migrate the most important things.

于 2012-02-08T20:50:31.350 回答