我想了解在构建 NSBitmapImageRep 时如何计算“bytesPerRow”(在我的情况下,将浮点数组映射到灰度位图)。
Apple 文档说,这个数字是“根据图像的宽度、每个样本的位数,如果数据是网格配置,则计算每个像素的样本数”。
int Ny = 1; // Ny is arbitrary, note that BytesPerPlane is calculated as we would expect = Ny*BytesPerRow;
for (int Nx = 0; Nx<320; Nx+=64) {
// greyscale image representation:
NSBitmapImageRep *dataBitMapRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc]
initWithBitmapDataPlanes: nil // allocate the pixel buffer for us
pixelsWide: Nx
pixelsHigh: Ny
bitsPerSample: 8
samplesPerPixel: 1
hasAlpha: NO
isPlanar: NO
colorSpaceName: NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace // 0 = black, 1 = white
bytesPerRow: 0 // 0 means "you figure it out"
bitsPerPixel: 8]; // bitsPerSample must agree with samplesPerPixel
long rowBytes = [dataBitMapRep bytesPerRow];
printf("Nx = %d; bytes per row = %lu \n",Nx, rowBytes);
Nx = 0; bytes per row = 0
Nx = 64; bytes per row = 64
Nx = 128; bytes per row = 128
Nx = 192; bytes per row = 192
Nx = 256; bytes per row = 256
所以我们看到字节/行以 64 字节增量跳跃,即使 Nx 一直递增 1 到 320(我没有显示所有这些 Nx 值)。另请注意,对于此讨论,Nx = 320(最大值)是任意的。
那么从为字节数组分配和映射内存的角度来看,“每行字节数”是如何从第一原理计算出来的呢?上面的结果是否可以使来自单个扫描线的数据在“字”长度边界(我的 MacBook Pro 上为 64 位)上对齐?