On a certain project in Perl, I've written several "parsers", which allow me to visit websites with LWP::UserAgent. However, I'm having a problem with one website: it's behaving exactly as if I had visited the site with my browser, having turned off Cookies, so instead of giving me the page I want, it gives me a page with the message that I must turn on cookies. The entire code of my script is below. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
(Note that I looked at the following url, which seems to be addressing my question, but unfortunately, I was unable to get a working script based on its suggestion: Cookies in perl lwp.)
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "http://www.the-site-im-trying-to-parse.com");
my $response = $useragent->request($request);
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print $response->as_string;