Two explanations:
1. Replace double backslashes to one (not what you asked)
You have to escape the backslash by backslashes. Like this:
String newPath = oldPath.replaceAll("\\\\\\\\", "\\");
The first parameter needs to be escaped twice. Once for the Java Compiler and once because you use regular expressions. So you want to replace two backslashes by one. So, since we have to escape a backslash add one backslash. Now you have \\
. This will be compiled to \
. BUT!! you have to escape the backslash once again because the first parameter of the replaceAll method uses regular expressions. So to escape it, add a backslash, but that backslash needs to be escaped, so we get \\\\
. These for backslashes represents one backslash in the regex. But you want to replace the double backslash to one. So use 8 backslashes.
The second parameter of the replaceAll method isn't using regular expressions, but it has to be escaped as well. So, you need to escape it once for the Java Compiler and once for the replace method: \\\\
. This is compiled to two backslashes, which are being interpreted as 1 backslash in the replaceAll method.
2. Replace single backslash to a pair of backslashes (what you asked)
String newPath = oldPath.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");
Same logic as above.
3. Use replace()
instead of replaceAll()
String newPath = oldPath.replace("\\", "\\\\");
The difference is that the replace()
method doesn't use regular expressions, so you don't have to escape every backslash twice for the first parameter.
Hopefully, I explained well...
-- Edit: Fixed error, as pointed out by xehpuk --