Popcorn.js 通常需要一个媒体元素,例如“video”或“audio”,如何在 popcorn.js 中使用 jPlayer id?


     var slide2 = Popcorn("#jquery_jplayer_2").data("jPlayer").internal.audio.id);

     slide2.exec(6, function() { $('#slide2first').fadeIn(500); });
     slide2.exec(50, function() { $('#slide2second').fadeIn(500); });
     slide2.exec(53, function() { $('#slide2third').fadeIn(500); });
     slide2.exec(61, function() { $('#slide2fourth').fadeIn(500); });
     slide2.exec(67.5, function() { $('#slide2fifth').fadeIn(500); });
     slide2.exec(71, function() { $('#slide2sixth').fadeIn(500); });

2 回答 2


I just found the "Popcorn jPlayer Player Plugin" : http://www.jplayer.org/latest/demo-09-popcorn-video/

The plugin is shipped with the last jPlayer release, 2.2.0 as of September 13th, 2012.

I didn't try it, cause my project took another road. As I understand it, the goal would be to use Popcorn in non-HTML5 browsers as well as mobile browsers. However, it is explicitly written in the page above that "Due to limitations in Popcorn 1.3, IE6/7/8 will not work."

They do seem optimistic to offer another solution in the future.

于 2012-10-26T18:59:05.857 回答

jPlayer 可能会嵌入 Flash 对象,具体取决于您的浏览器和提供的媒体,在这种情况下,您将没有所需的 HTML 5 音频元素。您是否强制 jPlayer 使用 HTML?

您确定有必要将 jPlayer 与 Popcorn 结合使用吗?

于 2012-02-03T14:38:07.673 回答